Weed Growing App

J Skinny

New Member
Hi Everyone! Basically I am considering building a weed growing app and wanted to hear everyone’s opinion on the subject. Here is a general over view of what I want the app to do:
  • Track the size of the plant (height, number of buds, weight, etc.)
  • Track what is given to the plant (amount of water, nutrients, pH levels, etc.)
  • Maintain a calendar of when events occur (sprouting, light change, harvest, etc.)
  • Analyze conditions and make recommendations on growing methods
Ideally all this information would be stored on a database, anonymously of course, then data from all users would be analyzed and used to make recommendations to the individual users.

Let me know what you guys think. Do you guys think this is worth the effort? Would you use is? What other features do you think I should add?