weed has no smell?


6-15 042.jpg6-15 037.jpg6-15 039.jpgI heard somewhere that to much sulfur in your water would make you weed lose its smell and taste bad. I was using Prime to dechlorinate my water, but it has a bad sulfur smell and im afraid it has hurt my flowering gal, so i stopped using it two weeks ago, now some of the buds have a nice smell and others none at all. I am using 400 hps and it seems to be taking FOREVER to finish, its been flowering for almost 3 months and the hairs are staying nice and white and the buds keep getting bigger, should i switch to a 10on 14 off? Can anyone tell this is my first grow? lol bongsmilie


I have no idea of the strain, as with alot of first timers, i got some good bud, kept some seeds, and grew a plant. Closet doors stay closed during dark period with no lights in the room and window covered, i may walk in the room stoned and turn on the light every once in a while, but thats about it. Is TOTAL darkness that important? i mean if they grow outside the moon puts off just as much light?


I added some pics, i know i have some bad burn, but she seems to be recovering after flushing and two weeks with no nutes just straight water. And she is growing in an organic soil mix with sand in bottom for drainage.


Well-Known Member
bongsmilieLooks to me like a sativa dominant. Those can be a bitch to grow indoors because they are native to the equator where 12/12 is the norm and they just want to flower forever. Total darkness is important to keep from stressin out the ladies and makin them go hermie on ya. As well as speeding up the process. My advice, for what its worth, is make sure light is close enuff to the girls ( about a foot) maybe even add a couple lights, cfls or whatever ya got, and clean up your light leaks. I doubt if people will agree with me but I would switch them to 11/13. JMHO


Yeah, she has been growing FOREVER, started her back in the beginning of march, and she is still plumping up her buds, and the top keeps getting more hairs and not so many tric's, im getting a little impatient, no money and no bud, but i dont want to F her up. Where to go from here is beyond me!