Weed is a mysterious maiden!


Well-Known Member
This was a social experiment to see how long i could go before I felt like i needed weed: I dont get it! for some reason i can go with out smoking bud for days! BAM, 2 weeks later, i feel like i dont need to go near the stuff! POOF, another 2 weeks go by and i feel like i could stop permanently if i wanted to. But at a certain point i just get a mental craving to have that taste in my mouth, Then I start to get anxious and decide i want it but i still feel like i could kick the habit, But another week goes by and here we are today, and i am blazed out of my mind.... so the moral of the story is smoke weed every day!:bigjoint: How long can all of you guys go before you get hungry for smoke?


Well-Known Member
I don't get cravings until after dinner.
Usually around 7:30pm.
But yea I'll go a couple of days without it.
If I don't smoke that night, I'm drinking.
I need something everyday to calm my nerves and help me relax.


Well-Known Member
It's weird - after I harvested my last plant, I smoked weed every single day until it was gone (turns out 47 grams lasted me exactly 6 weeks). I thought that once it ran out, I would be feining like crazy...but as soon as it was gone, I quit thinking about it. I honestly don't even think about smoking weed because I know I don't have any and I know there's no chance I'm going to get any until I harvest my next grow (early August)...so I just don't think about it.

Weed is not like other drugs at all.


I don't smoke cigarettes but I feel like the same things that make people want a cigarette make me want to get high. After big meals, stressful BS, and crazy hangovers to name a few. Although come to think of it, I'm not sure if that last one applies to cigarettes or not. Oh well, there goes that theory.


Active Member
Boredom is what gets me, I can go for days without smoking as long as I stay entertained (not an easy task), but as soon as the boredom hits its I crave the reefer.


Well-Known Member
It depends what im doing, if im working then im fine with going my whole shift sober but I smoke within the hour of being home. If im at home I cant go for more thna like half a day maybe before I want to smoke. And when im actually busy with things I can go for a few days without bud. I could quit anytime I really wanted, but why would I want to.