Weed is very hard to grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks Nullis, I will check things out. It only happened in this thread a couple of times and nowhere else, and I never tried to multi quote.


New Member
I can name two popular forums that are no where near as poor as this site. I never came across a site like this anywhere on the web where there is zero respect for anyone else. Guten tagen.


Active Member
i agree. its under the cunt-trol, of ohbama types. they think that only "their" think, and opinions, are welcome. they do not enjoy any debate. they have been making it, so i only can get their ridicule, over my home email. and not shown to the masses, in here. i simply pissed em, off, to let em know, that all weed smokers are not the vile left. this urks them. to thing anyone still loves america. fek em. im really the boss, as they will see soon....take a few weeks. either i get re-instated, or i pay the 200. but a rush it will be, for 200; six montlhs with no forum. im promised.


hahaha tl:dr all the comments but i must say, for a "weed", which are supposed to be pioneer plants and extremely hardy, they are SHIT hard to grow haha. so many technicalities and its so easy to kill them -_-


Active Member
what???? dried in the OVEN? holy jeez.

I use a microwave! zappp it on high for 5 minutes.

oh jeez. ;-(