Weed + School = ...?


Active Member
lol, for those of us that are still young and in college (and I suppose some of you could be super dumb and in 9th grade but still 18, but that's besides the point), how do you mix your college life with your stoner life? Do you actually do well in school when you smoke or go in to class high? Fess up u sillies!


Well-Known Member
all the girls would talk shit about me being high all the damn time....

but guess who's paper they were cheating off or trying to cheat off in all our math and computer related courses.

smoke the reefa...dont let the reefa smoke you. dont ever let something make or break you....let it compliment you.


Well-Known Member
i was also wondering about this. i didn't start smoking until i was 27 and finished with school. i think i would of been dumber than a rock if i had been getting stoned and trying to learn.


Well-Known Member
I smoke regularly...and have all throughout high school and my college career.....this is the end of my junior year

It doesn't bother me, I love smoking bud and I know what it takes to succeed. I have a desire to succeed, and pot isn't going to get in my way of my goals.....sure I love being lazy at night and sitting back on the couch with the bong...baked out of my mind....but when it comes to writing papers, studying for tests, etc etc I also can put the pipe down (well sometimes :) ) and get my shit done.....


Well-Known Member
Weed + School = Failing, losing scholarships, working shitty thankless job, getting laid off, working even shittier thankless-er job.

I know this to be true. I've run the experiments.


Well-Known Member
Weed helps me study, i has attention deficit disorder so studying for me like sleeping, so when i smoke and studyin i can actually understand and concentrate on shit, it helps me, i dunno about anyone else but works for me:)


Well-Known Member
Listen man, these IT wankers drive me crazy. I'm tired of hearing how much they make. Every time you hear from one of these cheese dicks they are telling you how much they make or how much thier khakis cost.


Well-Known Member
Weed + School = Failing, losing scholarships, working shitty thankless job, getting laid off, working even shittier thankless-er job.

I know this to be true. I've run the experiments.

well dont make dumb ass comments like these.

i've been smoking heavily since i got into college up until i graduated. you claimed weed plus school equals failing....i beg to differ

dont get mad when you strike and someone strikes back!!!!

stop generalizing and labeling so much and maybe you might become happier!


Well-Known Member
Listen man... Did I say everyone fails when they smoke while in school. No. I did say IT dildos love to talk about thier money. You proved that one correct. I'm done with you. Go teach some bank teller how to open her e-mail account. Don't forget to tell her how much you paid for your shoes.


Well-Known Member
study high take the test high get high scores. weed to me opens my mind up and relaxes me. the two best things for going to class. i just hate the rooms that dont allow food haha


Well-Known Member
I smoke every day. I admit sometimes I do slack off a little (I turned a paper in a class late last week) but for the most part I do well. I have skipped my english class a few times to toke with my buddy who doesn't have a class that hour, and I do love coming home from school and hitting the waterfall bong a time or two and land my ass on the couch for a few hours, but like I said, I still get by with getting work done and whatnot


Well-Known Member
ZeldarFromBeldar your being a real asshole to LoudBlunts. Its not his fault that you never succeeded in college, but obviously others have so don't get jealous of them and call them dicks.