Weed + School = ...?


Well-Known Member
I think smoking weed and school really is all up to the person. I honestly think it's just a stereotype that smoking weed means you'll fail school. It seems that most kids that are already failures just started smoking weed and doing other drugs when they were introduced to it, making it seem that they were failing b/c of the drug use.

I've been smoking weed for a good 2 years now pretty constantly, just about every day w/ one mild break for 2 weeks for getting in trouble w/ it. I've actually improved in school b/c i dont wanna be a stereotypical pothead that flunks outta school, when i started smoking(sophomore year in high school) i had just failed english... i got all a's and b's the next semester and its been that way since.

Also... i smoked about 5 grams everyday on exam week and i got all A's on my exams. :-o


Well-Known Member
hmm ever since I started smoking I've been more focused on school and getting stronger mentally and physically. I also think it depends on the person, some people use it as an excuse to fail.


Well-Known Member
ive smoked regularily all throughout highschool and pulled a 4.o, with honors and the whole gig.... now im in collledge and im do in the same thing its great! actually ive been smoking about an eigth every day and still lead the class....idk wtf or htf it works!


Well-Known Member
i was an idiot in High school, i blame this for not regularly smoking, because every time i did smoke i studied and paid attention to everything the teachers said. Unfortunately to buy weed in high school you need money, and my parents didn't have money, so i needed to get a job, I worked my ass off for nothing, and when i had extra I'd buy weed and my grades would go up....then id start failing when it was gone, now that its on hand regularly I'm doing very well, I finished school, and started my own biz....I don't sell pot, or any other drug, i have my career and a day job, and I'm happy....MARIJUANA SAVED MY LIFE!

coincidentally if i were to go to college now, I'd be the biggest stoner the world has seen, not because of need to study...but availability!!!