Weed Smoking Discussion


Well-Known Member
what !?! no one here lick there joint for a slow burning action??? and i alway put a filter in my joint so i can smoke it all the way. also i fucken love smokin 1gs roach joint cuz its like smoke 3-30 diffent type of weed!! is anyone with me on this one?? well i do alot of blades cuz its cheap and last long but not my favorite way.


Well-Known Member
you can get filter paper and filters from supermarkets...
theyre like the same on a normal ciggarette
and if your into joint harvest a little bit of leaf with it
itll go further and burn better


Well-Known Member
yeah ture. blades is not dangours. what u need a plate ,2 good solid butter kinfe, duck tape and heatin stove. break up your weed into hoots.warp duck tape around your butter handle and stick them even in your top slove and let it heat up for 3 min or more press agaist the hoots and press agist the weed and smoke

mr thc

Well-Known Member
when i smoke from my bong i take a pig pinch from my bag and place it in my bowl poke it down a little bit, place the bong to my lips ang light my lighter, breathe in unril my bogn is completely full and then wait for a few seconds for the smoke to cool down even more and then breathe in reasonably slowly, hold in for a while and breathe out (of course after releaseing the hit hole).

if im somking a joint i will, roall a roach from a thin cardboard material (the green card in rizla packs most tmes) then fold the end of the rizla over then turn the roach over then roll it in a circle (the opposite directing from the way you folder the roach :S)
put the roach in the rizla and fill with greens =] smoke and enjoy =]


By "wait for the smoke to cool" do you mean wait for it to stale? the longer u wait man the grosser it gets, hot fresh smoke is what I like...the only time I cough is if I have made some good ice hash and put a little too much on...then it becomes run to the bathroom for a spit, hold on to the sink while the room rotates around you!!!


Well-Known Member
I always pack or roll over my weed plate (a frisbee) so I don't lose any weed.

I love to savor the smoking experience, I'd much rather take many small hits then one massive bong rip to get the same amount of smoke. I like the taste of good buds.

I use a screen in all my bowls, I hate pulling through.