Weed Soaked in OIL


Well-Known Member
it needs to be heated to get the thc into the oil.. i have heard when the stuff is mixed up, bring it to a low boil/simmer. let it cool and wring out the stuff and collect the oil. i don't know the heat limit other than to say don't break 350 degrees because the thc will burn/evaporate around 350-375 degrees..


Active Member
Heating it is no big deal, just put it into a little pan and add some very low heat and watch for tiny bubbles. Let it go for about a half hour or until the weed gets a little crispy. Don't let it boil or smoke though! Then once it cools a bit strain out the material using a fine metal screen strainer, coffee filter, whatever (or leave it in there if you want) and squeeze it then chuck it. Then use the oil however you want. =)

You can also put stuff in Everclear/grain alcohol and make a tincture. I haven't done this yet though so you'd have to ask someone here or Google the exact procedure. Peace. =)

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
I ended up putting it on the stove for 30 min. and it turned the weed black and crispy. I just took a few droppers and dropped the oil down the back of my throat.... hopefully I did it right.


Well-Known Member
I ended up putting it on the stove for 30 min. and it turned the weed black and crispy. I just took a few droppers and dropped the oil down the back of my throat.... hopefully I did it right.
nope, you over heated it. The best thing is a crock pot slow cooker with water so that you don't go over the boiling point in temperature. I use butter but oil will work.. Cook it for several hours pour off the liquid the oil will float to the top (butter will harden and is easier to seperate).


Active Member
The high lasted so long and was the most ninja creeper ever
Haha totally, we do that same process with the amount of oil called for in a brownie mix (and add like 1/8th of bud or 1/4 of trimming/shwag whatev) and then make brownies like normal and they are like BAZINGA! High! =)

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
How much did you put in the oil? how much oil did you use? and how much did you take? just curious, always down for new recepies.
I'm not sure how much I made to be honest. It was about a quad of reggies... all I did was put the oil and weed in a pan and put it on the stove for half an hour. I took a little less than half the oil.

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
Why did the oil not make me tired like when I smoked it? When I would smoke 2 bowls I would start passing out like I was shit faced drunk.