Weed too dry to cure

I know everyone says this-however what is the reason or science behind this claim?
Theoretically- If I dry a bud to 45% for 1 or 2 days- what exactly happens to the terpines so quickly?
Before everything was legal- did growers in Mexico specifically dry the bud to 58-62 %rh and carefully transport it in these conditions?
I am not sure but I doubt it. So I guess it “could have been better “ if it was carefully handled- but it worked pretty good.
I have had thai sticks, skunk and hawaii grown
(travelled to Oahu) and it could have been never below 58% before I got it- however I doubt it, but these mentioned were crazy good and strong.
I have put orange peels into bags to rehydrate long ago- simply judging by how it broke up, as you said, if it is dust add moisture.
When I made the adjustment it was fine.
40 years ago that’s what we did. No hygrometers or anything.
I am not arguing that the terpenoids don’t degrade as you said, buy why?
Long ago we would control the moisture content by not breaking down the bigger sacks until it was needed, and judge by feel.☮☮
Edit- reading an article about Ed at High times and he prefers 50-55 % during cure to avoid any moisture issues, along with a long cure- 2-3 months.
what is the rh and length of time that evaporates the terps quickly?
Terpenes are volatile so, depending on the the volatility of each, they will basically "evaporate" into the open air if allowed. If they are kept sealed air-tight and away from light and kept cool, all the processes will slow way down.

The old Mexican brick weed was never that great, That's true. But lots of "old school" weed was great and lots of it came from Mexico. Oaxacan...Acapulco Gold...The thing is, it was never really properly cultivated or processed, thereafter. And even then, some of it was exceptional. The smell of the old skunk and blueberry was unlike anything I've been able to find anywhere. The Thai weed was incredible....Hawaiian strains....Lots of us grew plants and we had no idea what we were doing. We grew by the seat of our pants! ;) subsequently, all those old stinky strains got bred out of existence...hopefully some skilled breeder will bring them back again and this time we will be able to grow them will all the incredible lights, equipment and knowledge we have gained over the years.
Thanks for this-
How about the RH? What is “too low” for terps to survive? And how long would it take to degrade? 1 day? 1 week?
I had left an 1/8 in my car over a month or 2 this summer. It was so dry it actually changed color- darker.
It was probably not as good as when it was fresh- but it worked perfectly fine.
Also I don’t think you can ever get all the water out unless it is in an oven or kiln. Any porous solid will acclimate to the humidity in the air surrounding it. During the driest days of winter I think the air is still around 20% rh
And the how long question, honestly I think we've all smoked bud that was years old at one point in our canna journeys. I have had bud for 3 years in jars and they got me burnt. I kept them in a basement and only jarred them when they got dry enough to do so safely. I actually had an lb of franklin hemp that was 7% thc and a few percent cbd (can't remember), I just smoked the last of it this spring, got it in 2019 or 2018, can't remember. It was still great. If stored properly it can truly last a loooong time.
Terpenes are volatile so, depending on the the volatility of each, they will basically "evaporate" into the open air if allowed. If they are kept sealed air-tight and away from light and kept cool, all the processes will slow way down.

The old Mexican brick weed was never that great, That's true. But lots of "old school" weed was great and lots of it came from Mexico. Oaxacan...Acapulco Gold...The thing is, it was never really properly cultivated or processed, thereafter. And even then, some of it was exceptional. The smell of the old skunk and blueberry was unlike anything I've been able to find anywhere. The Thai weed was incredible....Hawaiian strains....Lots of us grew plants and we had no idea what we were doing. We grew by the seat of our pants! ;) subsequently, all those old stinky strains got bred out of existence...hopefully some skilled breeder will bring them back again and this time we will be able to grow them will all the incredible lights, equipment and knowledge we have gained over the years.
Your statement about the terpenes evaporating is what i was wondering about.
I truly enjoy the discussion and I like to learn about my hobbies.
It seems some are saying if it ever gets below 58% rh which should translate into a moisture content of around 11% ( not a static #, it depends on temperature to be precise)
It is basically ruined.
My thought was similar to Ed at High times, where he believes if you dry it to around 50% rh in the air, then add a boveda in storage to stabilize it at 58-62 in the jar, you are most likely to avoid mold issues.
I dry in a closet, test in a jar with a hygrometer in it. I watch the rh until it is at 50%, then jar with boveda.
Interesting enough I was reading that around 17% of the commercial producers use a similar process including the bovedas.
My thoughts were getting just below 58% and stabilizing it to 58 was safer than it being too wet. Mold begins to form around 65% so shooting for 62 seems dangerous to me. Also I prefer it at 58 when i use it
So how much below 58% rh do you think the terpenes would evaporate and how quickly?
Everything i have stored and used so far has been without any moisture issues and seems to not be loosing any strength.
Max storage time so far is around 6 months.
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Terpenes are extremely volatile and evaporate at a much lower temperature than even water does (at least for most terpse as far as I know) so they disappear along with the water. If the water is gone, there's a really great chance the terps are as well. I know a lot of people who smoke bud 5 days after the chop and think it is stronger, maybe they enjoy the the buzz from the terps more than the thc.

Those people need to throw their computer/nutes/feed chart/cuts in the trash. Back to the drawing board.

1) Computers are making people stupider.

2)Nute profiles and 3) feed charts obviously don't make sense, being designed to sell more products and pesticides.

4) Cuts.. I honestly don't believe people are breeding for the lame terpenes everyone worries about, I haven't smoked anything newer than Blue Dream, but even a turkey bag of that stunk up my dry, hot spare bedroom for a year and a half before I got around to smoking it.

Please tell me which herb on your spice rack expires in 5 days. Even the fake flavorless sprayed shit from the 99c store has smell for years, sitting above a hot stove. Why would Cannabis be the one herb on planet earth that expires in 5 days? The one herb I know of that actually improves in smell and taste with time.

My sisters Strawberry Shortcake doll still smelled the same after 30 years when I dug it out of my parents closet and sold it on ebay. Smells exactly like the half used 5 year old bag of Sta-green Fast Acting lignin sulfonate lime that stinks up the supply room every time I open the bin.

Wow, it's like the literal strongest smelling substance on earth no longer smells at all.. Commercial agenda behind all the shit nutes, bullshit grow info and frosty carbonate stalked ornamental bud? Same thing has happened to multiple other crops. Cooking oils were deskunked for western markets. For you Brits who don't know what Skunk is, toasted sesame oil still has a little skunk in it (but it used to dominate the nuttiness). American corn was bred to no longer respond to sulfated fatty acids exclusively found in American grasshopper spit. What a coincidence. Blossom end rot in tomatoes is engineered failed glutathione metabolism to sell more lime. Blossom end rot is definitely calcium deficiency even though excess unmetabolized calcium causes it more than anything. Etc etc.

Maybe the same REALLY did happen with all this white market exotiktok new houze methphisto nerdz turdz crap that people are growing from breeders who look like Anime fans and children of politicians? Deskunked, defunct hay weed with doterra terps? Is it true? Deskunkman Sam really was eradicating medicinal weed for government sponsored pharma companies prior to any talks of legalization? Old breeders and skunk growers getting busted to this day, while Reddit Fedora weed is everywhere, sold out in the open?

I've smoked so much home grown in my life, I can truely say 99% of growers completely lost the plot when Ethan Russo started talking about essential oil terpenes (that's Ethan Russo, of GW Pharma, the company who grows Skunk #1 legally in England). Everyone got this notion they needed to focus on preserving lame ass doterra terps (flaws in cannabis!) instead of curing carboxylic acid resins. More thc =better pot, because the DEA sponsors said so..? Frosty carbonate stalks are better be cause some new York jew magazine with not a single bust in their history said so? But plenty of their readers get busted for ordering out of the back? Man, this shit really did happen. Weed in 20 years went from stinky enticing natural medicine to commercial trash, and the grow community went along with it, helped more than anything...

In case the conspiracy against medical cannabis isn't true, I can still say the following:

Everyone grows with fucked up nutes, harvests emaciated weed, and tries to keep it too moist, sealed up for too long, completely ignorant of the chemistry actually desired. Same era of growers who dim their light 50%, feed fucked up nute ratios and top/train their plants instead of feeding correctly and letting the light they paid for bring side branching up. I just don't get what the internet has done to young minds. At least everyones pointless "grams per watt" metric is twice what they think it is, since everyone uses half the wattage they paid for. Pat yourselves on the back, Dimmers. You've actually hit 1.5 grams a watt!

Cannabis is not a fruit. Your bud should taste like raisins fresh and like grapes cured. We're not talking fermentation, but very specific types of electron transfer that 99% of growers aren't aware of and don't have the metabolism for, having never experienced even mediocre cannabis. It seems these forums got people to stop wet trimming and nylon racking their work, but not many seem to have understood why. It's still: emaciated light burnt weed, cuz amber trichs (more like amber turds), then scurry the emaciated plants away to total darkness, keep it wet the rest of its life and never burp unless you fear the mold can no longer pass as trichs. Then get nostalgic thinking about some weed you smoked in high school that was grown for free and dried in a tool shed.

TLDR: If latex is a terpene, why don't condoms expire in 5 days? You terp bros are silly and embarrassing. Just stop using the word,at least do yourself that favor. It's annoying as fuck how you all sound the same, trying to change the face of a crop thousands of years old with your gullible terp fridge purchase justifications.
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Those people need to throw their computer/nutes/feed chart/cuts in the trash. Back to the drawing board.

1) Computers are making people stupider.

2)Nute profiles and 3) feed charts obviously don't make sense, being designed to sell more products and pesticides.

4) Cuts.. I honestly don't believe people are breeding for the lame terpenes everyone worries about, I haven't smoked anything newer than Blue Dream, but even a turkey bag of that stunk up my dry, hot spare bedroom for a year and a half before I got around to smoking it.

Please tell me which herb on your spice rack expires in 5 days. Even the fake flavorless sprayed shit from the 99c store has smell for years, sitting above a hot stove. Why would Cannabis be the one herb on planet earth that expires in 5 days? The one herb I know of that actually improves in smell and taste with time.

My sisters Strawberry Shortcake doll still smelled the same after 30 years when I dug it out of my parents closet and sold it on ebay. Smells exactly like the half used 5 year old bag of Sta-green Fast Acting lignin sulfonate lime that stinks up the supply room every time I open the bin.

Wow, it's like the literal strongest smelling substance on earth no longer smells at all.. Commercial agenda behind all the shit nutes, bullshit grow info and frosty carbonate stalked ornamental bud? Same thing has happened to multiple other crops. Cooking oils were deskunked for western markets. For you Brits who don't know what Skunk is, toasted sesame oil still has a little skunk in it (but it used to dominate the nuttiness). American corn was bred to no longer respond to sulfated fatty acids exclusively found in American grasshopper spit. What a coincidence. Blossom end rot in tomatoes is engineered failed glutathione metabolism to sell more lime. Blossom end rot is definitely calcium deficiency even though excess unmetabolized calcium causes it more than anything. Etc etc.

Maybe the same REALLY did happen with all this white market exotiktok new houze methphisto nerdz turdz crap that people are growing from breeders who look like Anime fans and children of politicians? Deskunked, defunct hay weed with doterra terps? Is it true? Deskunkman Sam really was eradicating medicinal weed for government sponsored pharma companies prior to any talks of legalization? Old breeders and skunk growers getting busted to this day, while Reddit Fedora weed is everywhere, sold out in the open?

I've smoked so much home grown in my life, I can truely say 99% of growers completely lost the plot when Ethan Russo started talking about essential oil terpenes (that's Ethan Russo, of GW Pharma, the company who grows Skunk #1 legally in England). Everyone got this notion they needed to focus on preserving lame ass doterra terps (flaws in cannabis!) instead of curing carboxylic acid resins. More thc =better pot, because the DEA sponsors said so..? Frosty carbonate stalks are better be cause some new York jew magazine with not a single bust in their history said so? But plenty of their readers get busted for ordering out of the back? Man, this shit really did happen. Weed in 20 years went from stinky enticing natural medicine to commercial trash, and the grow community went along with it, helped more than anything...

In case the conspiracy against medical cannabis isn't true, I can still say the following:

Everyone grows with fucked up nutes, harvests emaciated weed, and tries to keep it too moist, sealed up for too long, completely ignorant of the chemistry actually desired. Same era of growers who dim their light 50%, feed fucked up nute ratios and top/train their plants instead of feeding correctly and letting the light they paid for bring side branching up. I just don't get what the internet has done to young minds. At least everyones pointless "grams per watt" metric is twice what they think it is, since everyone uses half the wattage they paid for. Pat yourselves on the back, Dimmers. You've actually hit 1.5 grams a watt!

Cannabis is not a fruit. Your bud should taste like raisins fresh and like grapes cured. We're not talking fermentation, but very specific types of electron transfer that 99% of growers aren't aware of and don't have the metabolism for, having never experienced even mediocre cannabis. It seems these forums got people to stop wet trimming and nylon racking their work, but not many seem to have understood why. It's still: emaciated light burnt weed, cuz amber trichs (more like amber turds), then scurry the emaciated plants away to total darkness, keep it wet the rest of its life and never burp unless you fear the mold can no longer pass as trichs. Then get nostalgic thinking about some weed you smoked in high school that was grown for free and dried in a tool shed.

TLDR: If latex is a terpene, why don't condoms expire in 5 days? You terp bros are silly and embarrassing. Just stop using the word,at least do yourself that favor. It's annoying as fuck how you all sound the same, trying to change the face of a crop thousands of years old with your gullible terp fridge purchase justifications.
Sure man, and yet the science says that the terpenes are actually what gives the character of the high. We can agree to disagree on that point, the rest of what you said makes me think you replied to the wrong post but anywways... have fun with your old school ideas and keep at it, the science disagrees and that's all there is to it.

Edit: and where the f did nute profiles come from in your post? 95 % of what you said made no sense in a response to any shit I said here.
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even more so, if terps mean shit, what makes your blue dream any different than any other strain in existence? The high should be the same right? There's things ather than terps also that give the high it's character, cbc cbg etc, but if all things are equal, 2 different strains with different terp profiles and the same thc/cbd/cbc/cbg etc... percentages and the highs would be identical if what you think is true, but they never are. If you study some lab tests, you'd see the only thing that really is different with a ton of strains is the terp profiles, they mean more than indica/sativa tells ya. Man I don't see how someone could think terps are nothing, it's amazing.
Yeah we have a service with a strain claiming to be 38%, I smoked it and did not feel like it was even half that strength. In my experience, the number is less important than people think. The resin content and terpenes matter as much, it is an overall combined effect and not just the amount of thc a strain has that leads to the perceived strength of the high. Edit: it is a cross of Gelato and something else if that matters at all..

To me a strain will shine more as a concentrate or edible over combustion. Had some purps that missed the mark in a cone but pressed it was numb lips and face.
Terps have something to do with the high for sure. From experience, i have had strains with the same thc/ thc-a levels and one works good for me the other didn’t.
After learning this, and only because the info on the medical strains is available, I have since used the terp profile to get the desired effect. This has been more reliable for me- 5 years on medical so far.
I really can’t imagine how a short period of time at 50% rh could effect the bud very much if at all. The medical has a 1 yeay expiration date and as already stated, I think you can go 2 or even more under ideal conditions.
Again I am talking about 24-48 hrs at 8% under optimal, room temperature.
I think a lot of this gets overly complicated, likely due to human nature.
If I smell mustard and onions cooking outdoors, then it has an effect on me. It makes me remember going to the greyhound races with my dad when I was a kid... Pine trees on the summer breeze...There are certain smells out there that have the ability to make us remember things....experiences...fun...etc. Terpenes, in combination with THC and other components found in marijuana, are what create a qualitative aspect to the high in the same way. A strain can have a lot of THC in it, but if it has an unpleasant smell and taste, then you won't get a quality high from it. If it has a delicious smell and flavor, then you will have a high that will be nicer. I can remember strains that I almost didn't want to smoke because they smelled so fantastic in the bag. And when I say "bag", I mean plastic, sandwich baggy! :)
I agree one of the main reasons for proper drying is to break down the chlorophyll so your weed doesn’t taste and smell like hay.
I don't know why people keep saying this. Chlorophyll changes color when it starts breaking down. If your bud is no longer the proper color, you're not going to want to smoke it. What you're trying to do is not break anything down once you've stabilized the moisture content.