Weed Wont get Me High. Post

the harvest was about 4-5 days dry... it is still kind of damp, and the stems do not snap off.
my friends used a gram, and rolled it into a blunt. and claimed the weed did not get them high?

--no curing process
--plant went hermi.
seeds everywhere.
There could be a few reasons:
very bad genetics
very hot grow room without sufficient ventilation
premature harvest
your friends don't know how to smoke.
thank you....it had to be the hot grow room without proper ventilaiton... is there anyway i can save the harvest? its my biggest one yet :(
im talkin .. 96 degrees temp. I cant do anything about my temp. craps!

i grew chem dog, and northernlights X sour Diesel ... they both didnt work. under a 400W hps closet.
2 strains, both didnt get anyone high. wet bud (kind of) .... this is weak sauce.
sounds like it could have been picked prematurely to me.. if you didn't cut the whole thing down yet, let it go for another week or two and that should help.. if you cut it all down, not much you can do aside from give it a longer dry and cure, but that's not going to do all that much for potency, just flavor and smoothness...
You can try to hold the bud under some lights. If you see the trichomes are "glittering" like diamonds they are premature. When mature the bling bling is gone and trichome just seem milky white instead of shiny.
hermie. plants loose there potency ,because they spend energy growing balls instead of buds. Dry bud stems should snap. It also should be cured to increase smoke quality.
If its shit don't waste your time curing it. It won't get much better high wise.
You could dry it and cure it to use it to break down more powerfull herb instead of using tobacco like some do.

96 F is very high and WILL hurt your potency badly if maintained.
If you can't lower it down - don't grow in that place. The buds won't worth the electricity, let aside your time and investment.

If you've harvested prematurely (the buds are more like hairs than bulbs, the color is mainly white and the trichomes haven't completely formed a mushroom shape or yet completely clear) you can smoke a whole lot and it will give you a trippy high.

I grew a few Blue Mystic plants at around 100F degs. They barely even matured in these temps.
I've harvested them before they got mature (was way too long) and I had to smoke at least a gram (more like 2-3 grams) to get a buzz. Was a VERY trippy, yet somewhat weak high.
Thats from a man that need only 0.1 gram of proper weed to get stoned.

I gave that stash to a friend to sell for 3 bucks a gram. (The street price for average homegrown weed is 20 bucks per gram)
It barely cover my electricity bills.
ive harvested pretty premature buds in the past, and they got me wrecked. but for some reason, this is my first batch that i got bad smoke reports, ill try again, and keep you guys posted on later progress and see where we can go from there, thanks.
cure them in cold conditions o about 15 celcius , this will definatelly help if theay are still drying
in the place i am , a sativa fluffy budded plant with no leaves cutted and sprayed with water to the bone just after harvest is ready to be jared in 2 and a half days... i sprayed twice the indica ones and they might take 5 days to get jared ... i mean things can be really dry , trust me , yesterday , while the plants are hanked drying it was raining for hours , when it stoped an hour after the roads were clean and dry ...
Iv always found wet weed won't get you high,if you let the same weed dry slowly and then cure a bit it will fuck you up!
Iv always found wet weed won't get you high,if you let the same weed dry slowly and then cure a bit it will fuck you up!

if its like u trying to seperate plasteline in fine piesces then yes definatelly is not what u will be smoking

try droping the night temps as lower as u can , even the fridge on 7 celcius can make it work if u aerate it
Almost positive that it wasn't dry enough. I've tried to smoke what is considered "damp" weed before and it didn't get me high. Waited for it to dry completely, totally different world.
Just dont call your weed shit just cos you sampled a wet bit and it was shit. Let it dry out then make a judgement call,my first few grows I kept thinking "I can't grow,this sucks"...but I learnt that although harvest time is exciting, just let it dry and you'll fly!

If you're in the mood for quick smoke,look into watercuring a bit till the rest dries.