WEEDS season 3


Well-Known Member
Mary Louise Parker stars as the suburban mom who resorts to growing and selling weed to support her family after her husband unexpectedly dies. This show is awesome and so is Mary Louise Parker!:hump::mrgreen:
Anyone else watching?


Active Member
I love the show, I've seen the first 4 episodes of season 3 - can't wait for the rest of 'em. The suspense was killing me leading up to this season.


Well-Known Member
Yeah same here i watched the first 2 seasons on DVD, and the way they left us hanging there i had to find season 3 on the internet. I watched the first two episodes of season 3 on my computer. Fucking awesome!


Well-Known Member
Watched like the first couple of epsiodes of season 1 on TV. I dont think it took off well in Australia so it was axed. But absolutly loved it, thanks for reminding me about this show off to d/l it i go


Well-Known Member
I LOVE this show, season 1 and 2 were great man!

too bad I dont have HBO :(

Where did you find thoes season 3 episodes on the net at? :( alluc.org has no episode 1!


Well-Known Member
omg, i just went and rented the first season of that show. im only half way through the pilot episode, and I fuckin love it!!!



Well-Known Member
whats the name of the show,i dont recall watching it or even hearing of it.....but would like to!whats the name toke?


Well-Known Member
ok I have links to all of season 3 up till last weeks episode. Just pm me and I will help.

Next! I LOVE THIS SHOW!!. My wife and I have followed it scince day one. The whole show is just great. I would love to keep sharing and talking about this show once everyone has caught up. i can even post each episode every week if you all would like!

w00t this is a great thread~