Week 10 AK48 Still Not Ready!!? What I do wrong??

Alright, so I vegged the shit out of most of my plants, and yet it is now roughly day 67 and my plants clearly are not yet ready. I was hoping for them to be visually ready, but finally today my 60x loupe came in the mail, and I may be colourblind (that is, I AM colourblind), but these mother fuckers do NOT look amber at ALL. I can't tell between cloudy and clear worth a damn but I could swear a good number of the trich's are still clear, even! Now I looked everywhere, and the latest I could even find AK-48 being harvested was just past 60 days. Here I am, and the majority of my plants look like they could use another FEW WEEKS!!
Generally, I kept the ppm around 1,000 at peak flower under direction not to freak em out. But I do know from way back that AK-48 is a heavy feeder, and I only in this past week brought the ppm's up to 1,400 range, and I am this week upping to 1,700 because they seemed to respond well, one particularly argumentative plant finally densing up a bit. I took a bunch of samples to inspect the trich's, had an early smoke and I have to say, I've been disappointed by every tester I've had so far, despite seeing posts from people who tested early at day 50 and said it was amazing.

My question is, what do you think it is I did wrong? I know this is a somewhat open question, but I've already guided the discussion a bit in mentioning my ppm's, because my personal thought is perhaps I should have used more flowering nutes, a LOT more flowering nutes. Please let me know. I'll keep posted on the harvest, but I don't really plan on updating my actual journal until all this stuff is harvested and gone.
On the other hand, I am smoking early harvest of specimen 1-6-1 (a giant plant, totally weighed down at the sides by its weight) and it has a TERRIFIC taste from just coming out of a quick-cure in the oven ;) very nice

It reminds me of black licorice... I hope that when I mature these a little more things will get a bit more interesting, because afa weight and beauty my garden's looking byooteefall
Whenever I take pics, they just don't do justice, but I'll go back there for a bit and do my best. I'll try to have some pics up by tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
let them go... general rule of thumb. if you think they are ready. decrease watering decrease the light and wait until the leaves turn yellow and fall off and that means that those buds have used all the stored energy to finish off its life cycle. it always works for me. and its easier to dry and cure if you stop watering all together about 2 weeks before you harvest.


Well-Known Member
when i put plants into flowering i dont start counting my weeks tell harvest tell i have dim size budds..about 3 weeks

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
My buddy has some of these growin right now..he said there is now way this strain is done in the said time. Prolly 60 days+ is more realistic. And his were taking up to 2000 ppm...so they are heavy feeders like you said. I think hes on week 9 now..but said the test nugs were pretty strong and even quick dried tasted pretty dank. Hope that helped you a lil.


Well-Known Member
I for one never let my plants go to amber trics....under 60x, one should def tell diff in clear and cloudy.....and I always harvest my many many strains in "cloudy" stage.....and realized a few seasons ago that allowing tric to go amber over-ripened and changed the characteristics of the results....good luck to ya....