Week 11 Questions


Well-Known Member
Its week 11. 2 plants both 8' under 600W HPS. All walls mylared. Given full bloom nutes the last 6 weeks. There are very very few crystals and is slightly skunky smell. The leaves are starting to die like they normally due when its almost done flowering. Hairs are 50-60% amber with new white hairs emerging daily? I'm so confused. I was planning to harvest around christmas time so I wanted to start flushing now. Is it smart to start flushing before heavy thc resin development? I know they usually apear early. God, I'm so frustarted and confused.


Active Member
Whats up man just checkin out your shit you should look into getting a scope so you can see how clear the crystals are


Well-Known Member
yea the resin production is not up to par with the week its in. I'm looking at it through a camera lens zoomed in. its not covered in white crystals yet. so we'll see i'm going to start flushing around x-mas or as soon as most of the fan leaves turn yellow.


Active Member
Week 11 .... Flowering or growing? If your in week 11 flowering then you either have a sativa plant or you have really poor lighting for flowering. If its a sativa then you might still have a ways to go.


Well-Known Member
Yea its almost 100% Sativa. My plan is almost 8 feet talk and it was a closet grow. Its under a 600w HPS and the room is lines in mylar. Also how long do you think it will take?


if its only week 11 gorwing u got awhile if its week 11 flowering and u got no crystals yet u got bad light proby dude, what are u using


Well-Known Member
can u not read the man said fucking 2x hes using a 600w hps dont waste his time. Well all i can really tell u bro is i stick with your original plan, leave it until xmas and if it hasnt done everything u wanted well chance are it aint going to happen. what strain btw?u said 100% sativa but didnt meantion the strain


Well-Known Member
the strain is unknown. I got it out of some good bagseed. and only grew the three best best looking seedlings. They are experiencing crazy new growth! The buds have almost doubled in weight and density, but only on a few branches. I can clearly see like really tiny clear specs on the buds so I'm guessing that the thc production has been started. Also I was getting to the point where I was almost at 50%+ red hairs but now it doubled in size so I got tons of new white hairs! What is going on? Its at about 25% red hairs now.


Well-Known Member
the strain is unknown. I got it out of some good bagseed. and only grew the three best best looking seedlings. They are experiencing crazy new growth! The buds have almost doubled in weight and density, but only on a few branches. I can clearly see like really tiny clear specs on the buds so I'm guessing that the thc production has been started. Also I was getting to the point where I was almost at 50%+ red hairs but now it doubled in size so I got tons of new white hairs! What is going on? Its at about 25% red hairs now.
Did you let some light in during the dark period? It kind of sounds like you may have given it too much light after flowering and now it is kicking back into growth or between growth and flower again. I would let it keep going, but keep it dark for sure, and do not harvest until your buds are ripe. If you are in a hurry, you might give it 48 hours of dark during your flush. That is suppose to ripen your buds quicker. I have seen it work and have heard of it not working so I am not sure. I think it works if you really give it the full 48 hous of darkness or drop to 8 hours of light in 24 but you may loose some bulk doing that. All depends on if you are in a hurry or not.
flabs :weed:


Well-Known Member
The room is in a pretty sealed off. The light is on only on during the day so when its off its dark outside so no light can leak in. They went through a little show around week 8 or 9 when I had to move them to a different area then I moved them back. They went into shock a little but came right back out. On day 3 since the budshave fattened up they are still getting notable bigger each day. A lot of the branches are starting to lean over cause the buds are getting big. All the main colas on the one plant are starting to grow together into one mass. They are still a little fluffier than the rest of the plants because they are so close together its like a big soccer ball on the top of my plant. I'm not really in a hurry I just want to get my clones under the light soon cause they are almost at 15" inches and I didn't want them to get bigger than 12". Last time I grew to 30" and they are over 8' now. Also some leaves on the upper part of the plant are turning yellow. Am I not giving them enough nutes? Igiving about 1800ppm. I feel like they are dieing because they nutes are getting used up before they get there.