Week 2 Growing Problems, need help!


Hi all,

I'm a newbie grower and I've been trying my hand at skunk. Basically, it's been a week and 2 days since germination and here's the stage the plants have gotten to. One is very short and growing slowly. The other was growing tall and well up until today when it started wilting.

I've been watering them with a spray nozzle, 2 or 3 sprays 3 times a day. They are positioned at a good window to catch the summer light. I have been giving the nutrients as well, roughly every other day. Here's the nutes I've been using if it helps:

Nutri Plant Feed (Organic)
Nitrogen 2.0%
Phosphorus Pentoxide 1.0%
Potassium Oxide 4.0%
Natural Plant Extracts 3.0%

If anyone can give any advice in helping these plants to grow, let me know please.



Well-Known Member
1: Keep your lights closer, the plants (the longer one is severely stretched)
2: don't spray the plants, water them.
*Spraying a plant that is stretched can and will cause it to limp to the side* (More common when they are seedlings, like what you are working on)

Leave them be . Stop spraying them and bring those CFL's (I assume) closer, maybe 2 inches away


Well-Known Member
ya that thing doesnt even look like its ever seen a lightbulb lol. like Kro says, bring those lights closer, maybe even get more of em, and dont spray em til they have some wider foliage and a stronger mainstem.


Well-Known Member
Stop the nutes, it's probably killing them. They won't need any for awhile. I was going to say 2 weeks, but that isn't going to work, because they're already 2 weeks old. :lol: Wait until they are 6-8" tall, then you can give them a mild dose, if you wish, but they probably still won't need it for awhile, if it's decent soil. I was going to recommend flushing, but that might drown them, with them being so small. Hmm....they'd be okay with a flushing, if they have good air circulation and warm temps(above 75* and less than 85*). They'll also be okay if your soil has good drainage. I don't see any perlite, so i can't make that call. IDK man, the choice is your's. :)


Active Member
What soil type is it? or what else is in the soil? i had a problem ver similar to this, the trouble with a coarse, or compact soil its the roots find it harder to grow down, its only a suggestion, but i did a transfer and they grew much faster afterwards. also cut the nutes for another weeks