Week 2 into flowering..Northern Lights~


Active Member
This is my first grow.Strain is northern lights and mazarxafgan,i started with 8 seeds and i got 6 females out of 7. 1 killed at seedling.
Only veged them for 2 weeks or so since this is just a learning grow.

Just had few questions....First of all how do they look? The top main cola is about half of the size of a BIC small lighter. So yea they are very small. But they just showed sex about a week ago and only 2 weeks into 12/12 cycle. How bigger would they get over the flowering process till harvest?
Also how much longer am i looking at? I assume about 6 more weeks or more?

And i was wondering if the bottom leaves turning yellow a nute burn or something else?
I see alot of hairs...Does this mean its a potent strain?
Please comment if my plant looks like it might have a problem.!!

Thank you any advice or comments are welcomed.



Well-Known Member
i think its normal for them to yelllow during flowering, because the plant is using the nitrogen for the buds. dont think its nute burn though


Active Member
in some of the pictures the leaves a curling around themselves, what is this about? 2 of my leaves do it also. I just popped em inside out, and a few days later they where straight, but I still don't know what caused it?

Looking good, I hope you get a decent harvest


Active Member
Thanks guys.. Anyone have any idea how much the bud grows compare to week 1 to week harvest as in size? I was thinking would probably multiple insize by 3~5 times? Any idea? Also i know i just started flowering but how long does northern lights usally take to harvest if flowered since week 2 of veging.



Well-Known Member
how far in are you again? and yeah, those buds will thicken up nicely...wish I could give them a squeeze :-)


Active Member
they look like they're going to have big buds. I grow Shiva, which is Afgan and Northern Lights. It looks like you're off to a really good start.

Just let yellow leaves die, and dont pull them off until they are dangling. The plant needs to use-up all the nutrients in the leaves first. Starting with your bottom fan leaves and working it's way up, they will slowly fall off. I would only be concerned if your top goes yellow, or lots of the leaves coming from the buds start turning yellow. Expect the larger fan leaves to yellow and fall off.

For the second half of flowering consider adding some blue light, maybe just a few side lights, and some molasses, if you dont do these things already.
But I'm sure if you just keep doing what you're doing, and dont over-water, or over-fertilize, you'll get fat dense buds. Add blue light to get stickier, more powerful, and flavourful buds. Hope some of this helps, peace.


Active Member
Thanks All!
They are about 3 weeks into 12/12 cycle and about 2 weeks since showed sex and total of about 5 weeks now. I only veged them for about 2 weeks since i had limited space and it was my experimental first grow.

I am down to 5 plants since i threw one of the droopy plant i had since the begining that plant gave me problems so i threw it out.
Some hairs are turning brown...I hope its not getting ready yet as the buds are getting bigger and bigger every day. I hope they grow for about 1 more month or so until they start they start to ripen. So total of 4 GOOD looking northern lights and 1 BAD looking MazarxAfgan. Its the plant with pretty much SMALL ASS BUD SITES but really busy. I guess mazar doesnt like to be flowered early so its going to take a while till it starts growing big.

And YES the bottom leaves are turning yellow and tops are looking fresh!

Thanks AGAINS!



Well-Known Member

A good start to growing, you're doing good. The yellowing might be a bit early. It is normal for this to occur in flowering, just when is the trick. This may hasten maturity, so not suggesting any changes.

I'm finishing up a nl#5, vegged it for 19 days, so it's similar to your veg. My flowering is going on longer than expected, in week 10 and it's still going. Flowered under cfl's like yours, so I'll be watching how yours ripen up.