Week 3 are my buds too small??


New Member
Hey guys I created an account jus for this specific question, I’m three weeks old into flowering and my buds on my vlone runtz plants seem to be maturing sorta slow while others in the tent are gaining weight.
I realized I might’ve needed to give it more water seeing as tho they’ve doubled in size and I haven’t accommodated for the new size, but I was jus wondering should I stick it out or should I change something now

Tent size - 4x4x8
Lights - Mars TSW2000 at about 65%
5 gallon pots
Feeding line - Cal Mag, Fish Shit, Fox Farm Big Bloom and Advanced nutrients BIG BUD



Well-Known Member
They look good. Buds aren’t too small. So how many watts are you giving them at 65%? If you thought they were small the first thing I would suspect is not enough light intensity. your other plants are doing ok though so you’re probably best to keep on like you are. Likely that one strain is just like that or it would like more of something; likely light. It is called runtz....


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily small. You will be surprised at what the look like 10 days from now. And dont let the soil dry out to much.


New Member
They look good. Buds aren’t too small. So how many watts are you giving them at 65%? If you thought they were small the first thing I would suspect is not enough light intensity. your other plants are doing ok though so you’re probably best to keep on like you are. Likely that one strain is just like that or it would like more of something; likely light. It is called runtz....
the plant that’s doing the best is closest to the light, but the buds that are on that plant are bigger than all the buds at the same level on other plants, I’m not sure how many watts at 65%