Week 3 of Flowering and Fan leaves are drooping and dying off, help?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday she looked fine, I posted pic here of her yesterday https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/733492-first-time-growing-few-weeks.html

This is what she looks like now, not sure what is going on. Anyone know what this could be or its just part of the plants flowering phase since the one next to is looks perfectly fine.

Every 10 days I dump the res water and add new water and nutes, I guess I will do that today since its been 11 days since the last one happens.



Well-Known Member
It looks root bound. the roots are probably being chocked by the bigger plant. The plant on the right is what 3 weeks of flower looks like.

Either way the left plant looks like its not going to produce much anyway so id chop it now and give all your attention to the big one.

Once a plant starts dying there roots start rotting and that can lead to pests/disease in your rez which would kill the nice plant on the right.


Well-Known Member
Is it the same strain? Different strains have different nute requirements. What are your ph/ppm levels?

Left Plant definitely is having some trouble -- this is one of the problems of a shared reservoir. You can't treat one plant for anything without treating them all and maybe causing more problems. If you remove the plant, make sure you get out all the roots. Hopefully they're not comingled with the Right Plant.


Def remove the plant on the left. It looks terrible. I would say its probably just bad genetics because this seems like its either a root issue or overwatering. Yes I know that its a hydro garden, but I have seen this many times before.


Well-Known Member
Def remove the plant on the left. It looks terrible. I would say its probably just bad genetics because this seems like its either a root issue or overwatering. Yes I know that its a hydro garden, but I have seen this many times before.
Exactly what i thought. Regardless of what the problem is it seems like the genes arent good regardless.


Active Member
remove the left, its donig nothing but stealing from the other plant and will reduce thats yield.


Well-Known Member
I looked at your other post and you are definitely going to want to get more lighting. 6500k is not the correct spectrum for flowering, you want 2700k. You said you don't want to spend more money on lights but its one of the most important aspects of indoor growing. Trying to flower with 6500k bulbs is going to take even longer to finish and you probably wont get big dense buds. It's up to you but you have done an awful lot of work to end up with an inferior product because you cheaped out on lighting.


Active Member
It's Normal For Marijuana Leaves To Start Turning Yellow As Harvest Time Approaches, Don't Keep Adding More Nitrogen!


Well-Known Member
She is not looking good =(.

Here are some more pics, roots are a mess if I had to remove one plant.

I am not sure what happened so quick and overnight to turn this plant from healthy to oh no it might die...



Well-Known Member
Just scrap it before it hurts the other plant.
She don't look any better today.

Might wait 1 more day to do it but the problem is look how tangle the roots are how am I going to remove it without ripping or hurting the other plants roots, can I just cut the roots off from the net and leave them in the water?


Well-Known Member
water is to hot ? you need a water chiller in hydro ! very common mistake. most people keep the water 60 f or the room 60f from ac. they roots get a rot on them and turns to slime. then the plants are fucked with in hours, if you don't have a ( THOUSAND) dollars for a good water chiller you are wasting time. yeah a thousand dollar chiller . that's why most people use soil . sory for your plants.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the plant is not going to make it so, I decided to remove it

The roots are tangled up pretty good how would I remove the plant without hurting the other one?


Well-Known Member
Update, this is what she looked like.

Roots were a mess, all I did was cut the dangling roots that fell into the water away from the net cup and tried to pull out the long strands of root but I think a lot of the roots of still left in the water.

I don't want to try to fish any more roots out to avoid stressing the other plant.



Well-Known Member
Get an enzyme like hygrozyme and start feeding with it. It wont eat all the roots but itll help.