Week 4 of Flowering, 3 prong leafs comming out on top?

Ok so this is week 4 into flowering nice pistils getting really big smells awesome got a whole bunch of bud spots everywhere, BUT the plant is growing so fast the leaves are turning sideways to make room for more which was fine didn't mind that but NOW, instead of 5 or 7 prong leaves there starting to become 3.... idunno if this is right or what? my buddy gave me the seed he has no idea the strain and neither do I so? question is, is this some type of strain that does that and also do I need to worry about it?
:leaf: Extra info : It is outdoor
Also how many weeks into flowering do I see bud not just pistils?

Pictures can be taken if needed just ask.

Happy Growing:weed:


Well-Known Member
Not type of strain, it's either stress or some genetic thing.
You see buds when they form. Wait dude.
ah ok, see the thing is a couple days ago I noticed pinky/purple on the middle of the 7 prong ones like 2mm by 2mm circles right where the stem hits the bottem of the 5 prongs and I thought that was stress too, is there anything I can do to get it to be unstressed?


Well-Known Member
well idk about the 3 prong leaves but i want to see some pics. also if it has a bunch of pistils than it is budding its just not swelling yet.


Active Member
3 fingers are fine, mine get less fingers as they go through flowering usually. Same when you re-veg they go less then eventually back to 5/7
Thanks everyone for the comments! and no I did not top her, I was to scared this is my first grow other than last year when I got a male, I will put up a side view in a bit! now its week 4 into flowering what week does it usally swell. Also I have noticed its not going tall anymore but instead putting it all into bush is that normal? considering its only like 3 or 3 1/2 feet tall?

:weed: < -- me everyday aha