Week 5 flower, leaves closest to tent yellow


Well-Known Member

What is going on here? Doesn't look like anything I've seen in pictures. Google not helpful. Possible heat stress as I've had tent get into high 80s this week, or maybe poor air circulation there? I have 2 fans, one of which oscillates and two 4inch inlines running.

I'm so close, I dont want to lose the plant. Any help appreciated, thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you'll lose her. It looks like bleaching to me. Lights reflecting off your wall could be over exposing that side. Looks fairly consistently spread on that one side leads me to think it is environmental.


Well-Known Member
I'm inclined to agree, just seems strange when the rest of the plant is being directly exposed to the same light, without the losses from reflection, and is green.

I moved the light up about 6 inches after posting this and it hasn't spread yet since, so fingers crossed.