
ok its been 5 weeks now since I first planted the seeds into the rockwool. All 6 are nice and green. Been on AN: part A/B for possibly i think 3 weeks now. And just recently maybe 5 days ago I got a 400 HPS light. The plants have grown so much in these past few days and all of the plants have ALOT of roots touching the water in the hydro kit. I have had a cpl of problems with them since the start but I mean its my first time so i expected that. Some leaking water, possibly burns from nutes but not bad, alittle light color on some of the leaves but most have a dark green tint. thick stems all standing on their own. the heat in the grow room has really stepped up since the 400 watt but i can keep the fan on all the time now. so just at a guess i would say when the grow is closed its abot 81-85F. I know alittle hot but I cant do anything about it. No exhaust and i cant install one. When the room is open it gets about 75-80F which is better.
PICS soon i know ive been sayin that but still no camera
The little one in the cup is accually a clone from a seventh plant. The plant was attacked by mold and so it was destroyed. tried to see if i could at least clone it but all i had was pebbles
My 6 will be 6 weeks this thursday. I am guessing 2 or 3 more weeks of 24/0 then off to 12/12
7 different ones
White widow
royal haze
Medical no name
strawberry haze
blue widow
the little one in the cup is purple #1
Ok here is the Medical. I see that with the 400HPS on its hard to see its true color but ill take more later. What is wrong here?
Note I changed the water 2 days ago because my pump and tubes were clogged alittle. So there is 6 gallons of fresh distilled water in there. I stopped the nutes because it looks like burning in the leaves.


alright here we go. Week 7. The single purp in the cup is dead but i expected that. The two haze plants in the middle are huge. One at 19 inches and the other at 23. We topped the strawberry haze and blue widow. Looks like 2 colas from the haze and looks like maybe 3 from the blue widow. The plan is to switch to 12/12 next week on their 8 week bday. If there is a more optimal time please let me know.
Feedback Please :smile:

