Week 6 **HELP!** Issues


Active Member
This is my second grow so pretty new at this, but this flowering cycle is causing me a lot of issues and I think my crop will be gone.

I had an issue with powdery mildew and I used potassium carbonate to treat it. I sprayed the leaves down per the label instructions once a week for 3 weeks- Flowering weeks 3-5. Not sure if this is related, but throwing it out there.

Botanicare CNS17 Coco Grow Formula
Botanicare Liquid Karma
Botanicare Silica Blast
Botanicare Cal Mag +
FF Open Sesame
FF Beastly Bloomz
FF Cha Ching

Dosage per label instructions.

Feeding: once a day for 2 days then water. top off with water daily.

PH= 5.8
Medium= coco

It is the beginning of week 6 and everything is getting worse. Leaves are dry to a crisp. See pics for details. I thought it was a magnesium deficiency so I added more CalMag for 2 feedings, but the plants seem to be getting worse. I checked the run off and I'm getting a pH of 5.4. Is that horrible? Not sure what the problem is or what to do. Temps seem to be fine. Min 68, Max 82. Usually around 79 though.

Please help!



Well-Known Member
Im not a soil/coco grower but if you are 6 weeks in flower you cant really do much to turn it around. Especially if you are running a 10 week strain. It will take at least two weeks for them to rebound and possibly more in their state. I hope you get it all worked out.


New Member
looks like nute burn mate, or did you spray foliar when lights where on? that could dry the leafs up aswell, flushing with a very weak solution or plain water wouldnt hurt, 6.8 is best for ph levels and you always half the amount of nutes the label tells you, hope all goes well for her :leaf:


Active Member
looks like nute burn mate, or did you spray foliar when lights where on? that could dry the leafs up aswell, flushing with a very weak solution or plain water wouldnt hurt, 6.8 is best for ph levels and you always half the amount of nutes the label tells you, hope all goes well for her :leaf:
I did spray the foliar while lights were on. The directions didn't mention that, but I guess I should've thought of that.

How long would you give just water? Till harvest, if it makes it that long.

Hmm,will definitely up the pH and lessen the nutes going forward, thanks for that.

So I took a pic of some other plants (attached) that I just started flowering. The tips are light orange/brown. Is that from over feeding also?

Thanks for the help!



Well-Known Member
Shit that looks burned pretty bad.

If they were mine I would run some clean water through them (flush them which I pretty much never suggest) and then top off with 50% nutrients.

Just my opinion as usual.


When growing in coco (never have myself), but I believe your PH should be in the 5.5 - 6.0 range (someone correct me if I'm wrong). I'm with aim on this, it seems you over-nuted your plants and burned them to a crisp. Follow aim's advice on the flush then 50% nutes (i'd just use your base nutes, not any bud enhancers or similar). i'd do flush + 50% nutes, water, water+50% nutes, etc. until they look alive again. Then go slow on the nutes.
Ph this Ph that but what about your PPM's or EC's bro... Also your running 7 different kinds of nutes wow... Then you said and I quote "Feeding: once a day for 2 days then water. top off with water daily." Top off with water daily???? Help I am being drown and poisoned at the same time ahhhhhhhhhhhhh :(.......


Well-Known Member
in Tron, looks and sounds like nutrient lock-out / over fertilization. I grow in soil and feed lightly, and never had a problem.
Seems like some people get over-zealous with fertilizer resulting in these kind of problems. Just give them a good flush. Good Luck ;-)_~


Well-Known Member
Coco ph should be as close to 5.8 as possible, not 6.8 like a previous person said. Even plain water needs a 5.8 reading. I put mine between 5.5-6.0 no higher no less.


Well-Known Member

Ugly isn't it? A lot of things wrong, nute lockout , salt burn, nute burn and also last but not least spidermites.


Active Member
Growing in pure coco I like to PH at 5.5 during veg and 5.8 during 12/12.
That looks like heat stress to me, if it was the foliar spray, the leaves at the top would be much worse than those at the bottom however in your case it is quite even.
Also are you sure you mixed the potassium carbonate to the right dilution for foliar use? If it was too strong that could burn the leaves.

When did you start using the silica? That can be highly base. I use Bloom silica and it must be added to the water before anything else, then PH the water / silica back to 7 before adding the nutes. If you add the nutes to the solution before PHing back down to 7 they will fall out of solution. particularly the calcium. Check you are using the product correctly.

Odd that you are getting a more acidic run off than the nute solution you are feeding. Coco in my experience always has a run off around 6 - 7. I don't often measure my run off, it's not very useful information with coco.

Still looks heat related to me.