Week 7 Flowering help needed - Leaves went limp overnight!


Active Member
Hey guys and gals,

I could really use some assistance. I went into the garden today at lights on.. and a couple of plant's leaves have gone more or less limp. Not over/under water droop.. just kinda.. hanging. Whats curious is when they went to sleep last night, all was well.

They are in 3-5 gallon DWC using BC PuraVida w/ Killer Tea, Fulvex, ThriveAlive, CalMag etc as needed; under ~650 watts HPS

What I did last night that I think may have triggered this is add 15ml/g H202. Half an attempt to give them some extra oxygen and half to help root health. Their roots aren't pearly per se, but have never noticed a huge problem from them either. There a Northern Berry and a Sour Diesel currently being affected. Curiously I did this to 8 DWC and 5 soil and most aren't having any noticeable issues. I also noticed (actually my first clue of concern) was that smell overall across the garden is greatly diminished today.. at Week 7.. well you know how that is.. shouldn't be wondering where the smell went.

I've been doing a 'less is more' thing nute-wise this time around, wondering if using the H202 with organic nutes screwed up the situation. Should I flush and re-nute.. flush and.. flush (as its the beginning of week 7)..

I've attached a pic of the Northern Berry.. 15 hours ago all leaves were up.

Thanks everyone, I'm worried about my ladies!IMG_5908.jpg (I have no idea why the forum brings my pics in sideways.. didn't take it sideways.. sorry :/.. you can see the hanging leaves though i hope)


Well-Known Member
Pic didnt work

Buuut it sounds like your roots are suffocating finally, possibly from clogging airstones at the end of a grow, or just plain deteriorating over time roots. Definetly too late in the game to fix it this round. Just figure out what went wrong and how to fix for next round.

I suggest flushing now for the next week with more air if possible, and hope you can get the ferts out. Good luck


Active Member
Thanks SnaFuu.. hmm odd i can see the pic inline in the post. Airstones are pumping just fine and my root health isn't really visibly too bad.. I'm curious why she would go from no visible problems to such a 'limp' state virtually overnight. I'm going to try another pic here.. thanks for taking the time friend :)IMG_5910.jpg


Well-Known Member
Ya man the pic plus the fact that it was overnight confirm that it's overwatering. Or in hydro, not enough o2. But unfortunately if your air stones are adequate then the roots are the issue.

I would guess you've been waging a war in the root zone for some time now. Adding the h2o2 killed everything microbial, good and bad, giving the bad ones a chance to get the upper hand once the h2o2 wore off.

at least you'll end with some smoke! I've lost entire crops to root issues in dwc so I know first hand how frustrating it can be. Just learn from it and you'll do better next time.:lol:


Active Member
yeah man, I have been fighting the good fight.. largely with Aquashield.. I guess I should have been more vigilant. Shes perked back up some with a little ThriveAlive over her roots. I suspect you're right about H202.. seems like more than a coincidence. Given the rest of the crop's health and vigor.. she's an unfortunate minority casuality.. I'm still gonna do what I can for her (little foliar action, flush her out etc).. The organic hydro nutes are kindy murky too, so getting her out of there and into fresher waters may help. Her roots still don't look that bad.. but like you said.. evening the playing field with H202 probably didn't help the situation. I've ruled out Ph, heat, air, etc so. Frustrating.. I clean all my gear hard between runs, flush on schedule etc.. but it is what it is i suppose. Thx brother

Cereal box

Active Member
I'm probably wrong, especially said you said it's not over/underwater, but, any time my plants have looks like your they were just thirsty. Just throwing that out there lol


Well-Known Member
You have a magnesium deficiency, and a Phosphorus deficiency.
Fan leaves will wilt, yellow and die later in flower. That's normal.

Make sure your system is clean. that can stink
when you change your nutrients clean your system with some H202.
Make sure your roots don't have slime on them. that can stink to.

If you have to you can cut some of your roots. Up to 1/2 the roots system.
But, The more roots you cut the more stressed the plant is gonna be.
You don't wanna go crazy late in flower like you are.

Good Luck on Your Grow.


Active Member
Cereal Box - Thanks for the input man.. over/under water in hydro (as is the case here).. is pretty much oxygen deficiency in soil (so much water that theres no air).. and in DWC.. roots are are gunked and rotting or the airstone isn't doing the job and she's drowning. I have used Aquashield with all my changes and her roots look.. not horrible.. not pristine. Its the sudden change that really has (had?) me freaked. She's one of the smaller girls in my current grow but has always been stable... if it is indeed the roots, then in a way you are 100% correct (to my deep chagrin)


Active Member
Topfuel29 - Thank you as well brother.. I did notice the mag and phosperous deficiencies previous to this and correct. Whats curious is that CaliMag and plenty of micronutes have been part of their regimen the whole time. Nonetheless I hit her with Magnum as soon as I noticed the tips and the yellowing on the outsides of the leaves. I see what you mean about the P as well, though I can't figure out why.. she's been swimming in a bloom formula that should be replete with the stuff. Both could speak to overall uptake issues I suppose.. I'd rather have a few late cycle deficiencies than straight up root rot :/

Here's what I've done so far (feel free to correct me if I've screwed up)...

Got a different rez (cleaned thoroughly with Physan and just not in use since last run).. filled it with ph'd water and 30ml/g of h202.. put my sick girl in there and let her chill for 10-15, occasionally giving her a little up/down dunk.

Prepped the other rez (clean as well) with ph'd water, 1oz/g of Killer Tea (more less guano and castings), Magnum, and 10ml of AquaShield (all that I happen to have on hand).. put in an entirely different 'elemental' airstone (bigger honker).. let her drip dry for a sec and plopped her in there. This is right at lights out.. we'll see in the morning :/

I really appreciate all the help, and if anyone else sees anything in the pic or description let me know. Overall this grow is going great and I'd hate to taint my 'never lost a plant' record now :D