That's the point of taking a pre-harvest sample. Experiment with your technique. Put half the bud in a bag...opening and checking it each day. Hang or store the other half bud somewhere and dry it a different way...perhaps in a mason jar, 'burping' it each day, or just place it in a warm,dry place out of direct light.the buds i cut off friday....their gettin dry on the out side should i go ahead and put them in the brown paper bags and dry in there for a couple of days...or let them hang till the weekend...idk i read about the bag trick on here it was to mak=ke the bud dry evenly..bu i dont really know when is to early...i just dont want to over dry it...or under dry it u know...
Compare the results....Then you're prepared for the main harvest.
However you dry them, try to move them as little as possible as trich will fall off, especially with rough handling.
If possible, place paper/foil/whatever beneath your buds, wherever you place/hang them.
A good dryer is a cardboard box with string strung through it...or several boxes, from the looks of your potential harvest (kudos to you man). You can get fancy and place a computer fan pulling air from a hole in the bottom of the box, with a respective air outlet cut into or near the top of the drying box. From the looks of you crop, you might want to use a Huge carton from a furniture removal company!
Harvest when 50%-70% red pistils ....The earlier the chop, the more 'Heady' the stone, the later the chop... the stone is more 'CouchLock'.
Hope this helps.
First post here....sorry if I've broken some 'protocol', have not read the rules yet (naughty me...)....