Week 8 cfl grow +++pics+++


Active Member

SOME OF YOU MAY HAVE SEEN A "VERY" SIMILAR POST TO THIS IN THE GENERAL GROWING SECTION. There are a few folks out there in RIU that feel putting duplicate posts in different areas is bad, I get it, but I also would like to expand my options as far as I can go, cover all my bases per se. I have gotten nothing but quality knowledge and awesome useful advice and comments from many users, so why not keep it up. Sorry to to those who I may offend by doing this. These posts may be similar but not identical in appearance. Thanks guys

I used:
-FF ocean forrest soil
- 3 Gal pots straight from 16 oz solo cups (only one transplant)

VEGGIN'- Fox farm's- grow big, worm castings, liquid seaweed, banana mana (banana extract nute for veg), Pearlite, vermiculite, high nitrogen Peruvian seabird guano 10-10-2 , and Hard water (h20 we set out for days prior to use)

FLOWERIN'- Fox Farm's tiger bloom, big bloom, Cont w/ some liquid seaweed, Molasses, High Phos Jamaican bat guano 1-10-0.2, and hard water

++ A few things I have that I did not end up using: Epsom salt, liquid lime, Happy Frog fruit and flower fert 5-8-4, organic Blood meal 12-0-0 & Bone meal 6-9-0, Algamin Kelp meal, Terrycycle liquid plant food.

Temps- range from 72-80, stays closer to 75/77 mostly.
Humidity- ranges from 20-24%, usually stays at 21/22%
Drops accordingly during dark periods and humidity rises slightly.

Using 23-26w cfls and 2-42w cfls soft white (all 2700k), I know its alot but they are evenly distributed around plant at all levels. The larger two, one over each plant. Not super amazing light penetration, but they grew just shy of 4ft doing this. While veggin' I only had 8-26w bright whites (5000k) So in flowering we got a couple more.

- The beauty is that most of this was free so not a strain on the pockets, and why pay to upgrade when it cost nothing.

I Vegged for 2 months using 24/0 and got some mad bushes. Since then they grew tall yet bushy.

Had a very slight case of nute burn in week 5-6. Since six we have stepped back off the FF liquid concentrates and continued with Moleasses, and hard water for waterings and feedings. The plant has since bounced back. No more over yellowage, just the normal amount for flowering.

Will not returning to chemical concentrates and staying organic for the remainder of the grow do anything negative other than maybe decreasing the yeild? If we did re- introduce the ff nutes it would only be for a week or so because I plan to flush last week or so. What do you guys think about that?

I am trying to get a better camera so I can zoom better to give you guys a better bud shot. As of now the mystery dank is about 85% amber pistils and the ram/sensi is closer to 65/70%. I want to get a pocket 10x or 25x microscope so i can use the trichs to know when to chop em.

Buds are a good size so far, Used the lighter for size comp, and that is the smallest top out of any of the tops from either plant. On both plants, it is budding down pretty far too, maybe a foot or so.

In a few of the pics there is purple coming in to the fan leaves, (looks kinda red in pics but is for sure a bright nice purp) Why is this? Temps and Humidity are great.

Tell me what you guys think. Any feed back regarding the plants would be greatly appreciated. This is my first CFL grow, so this is exciting to be able to grow with a new type of lighting. Thanks


nice. so you have about 580 or so watts eh? i had cfls going too, about 450 watts only though, but i was happy with the end result. your buds look bigger than mine did though.