week 8. when to harvest? w/pics

Hi i need some advice on how long these would have left. first timer so not too confident on when to pull them. also are the lights too high its a cfl around 130 watt? the lil thing is a clone im sexing its been in there over 2 weeks and the growth in the middle is new. male or femaile? any advice is appreciated
ps, i wanna pull one earlier than the other so i have one more suited for a head high and the other for more of a couch lock


looks like you still have 2 weeks. trichs need to be close to 50% cloudy 50% amber. 75-80% orange hairs as well. but def use the microscope and check the trichs looking good tho!


Well-Known Member
As above... i would up the Veg nutes & hold back on the bloom until chop.

The light... hold your hand out at the same height as the top of plant & bring in the light close so hand is comfortable to hold there, if hand gets too hot, its too close. I have a clip on fan blowing across the bulb, helps loads.

The cLone will be the same sex as the mother plant you took it from!


Active Member
You must be doing something right.Looks superb.Do get a mic.The more amber trichomes you have the more couchloc.All cloudy is the peak thc production.Mostly cloudy,the more head high.Enjoy.


you got like 3-3.5 weeks left man hang in there


Active Member
i agree with wat every1 above me has said... its worth the wait. uve come this far it would b upsetting to not let it get to its full potential
ok i thought i was a lot closer i have been flushing them, woops but wat nutes should i use, just before i started flushin i was using flower nutes a and b and a potash supplement too. should i start up using them again and flush after that. i wish i waited on the flushing but wats done is done. any tips for maximum budding in this phase of flowerin will be appreciated


I would definately reinstate the nutes, your previous nute sched. should be fine, maybe a little molasses?
how do i go about mollasses and what will that do for me oh and i dont know the sex of the plant the clone came from thats why im trying to figure out the sex


Are you talking about the plants in the picture? cuz those are mos def female. males have big pollen sacs hanging all over em. molasses adds sugar into the buds.