Week and a half into light flip


Active Member
Switched the light on my girls. 1 and a half weeks into flowering under a 600 w bulb. How do they look to you? They are Do Si Do plants in 10 gal pots. Just realized I forgot to switch the MH bulb to HPS and will do so immediately when light starts again. Will this mistake be a bad one or will it be fine since its only a week and a half into the flip.


Jimbo the Gael

Well-Known Member
You can flower under MH. There is some debate about whether the bluer spectrum of the MH results in lower weight but higher potency. I heard there was a study about that, but I've never read it myself.
Either way, I'm sure it won't cause any problems. Especially this early in flower.


Active Member
How do they look to yall? Tooped a couple times in veg was gonna scrog but first grow figured I'd test the waters throughout this grow before trying the Scrog. Got rid of 3 other plants for more room since its only a 4x4 tent



Well-Known Member
As close as you can get it each plant has a preference. But I start low and work my way up. Lower it at the begin of a light cycle when you can monitor it. You’ll know within a few hours if they like it hour not. Damage won’t happen right away unless they’re touching it