week old plant , general noob questions

will do .. im going to switch it to 24 hours ( from what i hear its dirt cheap to run cfl's anyway) and throw a fan in there
24 hrs wont hurt it some say it is actually better for it to have 24 hrs for a couple weeks but its all up to you. maybe do like a week or two of it then switch to 18/6 or 20/4 until you are ready to go into flowering..and with cfls adjust your plants or plant everyday so each part gets some light.
thanks johnson, i dont plan on keeping the same set up it was more to just get practice for when i get some good seeds i will adjust my equipment as the plant needs it (i see myself getting more lights for equal coverage) etc.
no worries im new at this also myset up is ghetto with cfls ,going to get 2 quantum badboy 4foot 12 lamp t5 systems come tax time, just keep reading on the forums they are really good i have learned a great deal so far


Well-Known Member
Dude thats probably ur problem. You need to have a ratio of 3:1 (6500k:2700k) for vegging, then the reverse for flowering. When u buy the lights u have to make sure u get the right ones otherwise ur plants will stay dormant or die.


Active Member
Dude thats probably ur problem. You need to have a ratio of 3:1 (6500k:2700k) for vegging, then the reverse for flowering. When u buy the lights u have to make sure u get the right ones otherwise ur plants will stay dormant or die.
Bs there is no have to. Or it just won't haha. It stretches more vegging under red spectrum 2700k but will grow just fine


Active Member
Wtf that's what most strive for yes I was correcting the person who obviously has no clue saying they would wilt and die off 2700 alone.


Active Member
Excuse me dude said or else they will stay dormant and die lol. Hey if they are green and growing they are not dorment either so you know


Active Member
Honestly kaendar have you ever grown anything? Let alone weed???? If not do everyone a favor and don't talk about what you don't know about please and thanks
lmfao looks like some drama is brewing , it grew more since yesterday so it's definitely not dormant or dead but i did throw a 2700k a few hours ago


Well-Known Member
Ok, thats exactly wat I said. He needs a 3:1 ratio of 6500k and 2700k. If a plant isnt getting sufficient light, it might not die, but usually it will go dormant. Meaning it will stay alive but have incredibly slow growth.


Active Member
D ormant is like asleep and you don't have to have both not by any means, hell for veg you don't even honestly need much light at all, I have 2 pepper plants that are both about a foot tall grown under a fucking 14 watt cfl in my kitchen and they grow a half inch a day on one forgot to mention soft white or 2700k spectrum bulb only. They are green as fuck and healthy as a matter of fact even showing there floweres now. Moral is veg needs little light of either spectrum, 6500k tends to help keep plants shorter and bushier, while 2700k tends to make plants lanky with farther distance between nodes.


Well-Known Member
The reason u gotta use more 6500ks during veg is because they simulate the intense sunlight of the summer. During flower u use more 2700s because those are soft white and they simulate the softer sun of the fall. Its simple biology. And yes, since 2009 I havent stopped growing.


Active Member
Dude stumilate the intence sunlight wtf dude you sure you grow cause how you gonna stimulate the sun lol with any amount of cfls haha. And that would also mean your outside if your trying to stimulate sunlight dummy.


Active Member
The reason u gotta use more 6500ks during veg is because they simulate the intense sunlight of the summer. During flower u use more 2700s because those are soft white and they simulate the softer sun of the fall. Its simple biology. And yes, since 2009 I havent stopped growing.
Dude I saw your other post begging for seeds or free clones lol


Active Member
Op the reasoning in changing spectrums is cause your trying to mimik natural sunlight and the color of our natural light changes during the year from bluish 6500k to more red yellow 2700k. Daylight bulbs (6500k) and soft white bulbs (2700k)


Well-Known Member
Ca$hcropper all u keep doing is verifying what I keep saying. Wtf? Just agree wit me stop trying to put ppl down. This is a friendly forum and assholes like u start drama and ruin it for everybody. and btw, I wasnt "begging". Im more than willing to pay for some good clones. And I do all the time.


Active Member
No dude like the others I keep correcting you

Ca$hcropper all u keep doing is verifying what I keep saying. Wtf? Just agree wit me stop trying to put ppl down. This is a friendly forum and assholes like u start drama and ruin it for everybody. and btw, I wasnt "begging". Im more than willing to pay for some good clones. And I do all the time.