Week old plants w/ thin stems


Active Member
Ive go five 10 day old Early Mistys growing in my room. they are being exposed most of the day to sun and so they are stretching tall to reach it.

But im getting worried because they have started to fall over. I put a couple sticks in the pots to keep them standing, but im not sure if the thin stems will be able to handle the next few sets of leaves.

Should i be worried, or will they tough it out?



Well-Known Member
hey man I have a lemon skunk that is as old as your and i just put her outside yesterday. It looks a lot like yours so ill post a pic soon. good luck bro


Well-Known Member
umm if ur just growing those in ur window sill...might as well grab that thin stem snap it in half and shit on it...you cant grow in ur window sill...they will just strech like they currently are for light until they fall over and rot...if u dont wana use lights then just put em outdoors for the day nd bring em inside for the night in a dark place..keep on doing that nd they willl get bigger and stronger...if not get some lights and go indoor...


Active Member
Get a fan and give em some wind. I got some that look like that and I turned my fan on medium and sat it on the floor with my girls for some vibration this morning and already i'm noticing they're putting on weight tonight, the stems look like they're fattening up. And maybe you should put them under a good wattage cfl or two at night time. Hope that helps

hey man I have a lemon skunk that is as old as your and i just put her outside yesterday. It looks a lot like yours so ill post a pic soon. good luck bro


Well-Known Member
umm if ur just growing those in ur window sill...might as well grab that thin stem snap it in half and shit on it...you cant grow in ur window sill...they will just strech like they currently are for light until they fall over and rot...if u dont wana use lights then just put em outdoors for the day nd bring em inside for the night in a dark place..keep on doing that nd they willl get bigger and stronger...if not get some lights and go indoor...
A little harsh but pretty dead on. Where are you at? If you're not expecting any more frosts than bury them up to the first set of leaves and leave them outside. If you are than you can do as ryeguy said. Take them in after dark. Put them on a southeast facing windowsill so they get light until you get your ass out of bed. Then take them outside again asap.


i think im having the same problem mine are starting to look pretty thin and tall iv been doing the same thing keeping them on my window sill
i just set up a little fan tho so hopfully that helps
is it ok if it is a stationary fan?
and will the plants get confused or stressed if they are not on a regular light cycle


Well-Known Member
using a fan works but if you leave it on it to much it wil kill your plant..people always say "but theres wind outdoors and this just compinsates for it"..but thing is there not wind evrywhere well there is but not strong wind..and if using a fan only do it for an hour a day and make sure its a oscillating fan dont leave it stationary..this will help kinda..but you need lighting man..cant grow in a window sill..and if you do bring them outdoors when you bring them in DO NOT keep them in light...put them in darkness where the humidity will be in the 70's..it needs is dark cycle...id suggest a 18/6 light cycle asap...even if you can get some low wattage cfl's for now ..better than notinh good luck


Well-Known Member
and yes keep them on the same light cycle..18/6 until flowering stage..do not change it or mix it up