week one of flowering


Active Member

im in week one of flowering and running into a small problem - my plant looks pretty healthy for the most part except the higher fan leaves seem to not have much structure to them - i dont want to say they are droopy exactly...the leaves just fall and it looks like a claw almost - is this the "claw"? sorry first grow. The color of the plant is good and the leaves look like they would be really healthy if it werent for the fact that they arent out.

nutes are 8-14-9
temp 70-80
humidity 50
watered every 3 daysish (whenever the top soil is dry)

The plant is maybe a foot 1/2 and i have 4 cfls on it (2 6500s 2 2700s) could it be a lack of light or deficiancies? or is it water related?

Sorry for not having pics ill see if i cant find any online

Thanks in advance for any and all help


Well-Known Member
are you watering with nutes full strength every watering? (should be every other) Could be lil nute burn or a mg deficiency. hold off on nutes for a couple waters and sub in some epsom salts and see if that helps any.


Active Member
no im watering half strength nutes but i did feed them twice in a row - but that was only because the leaves looked floppy so i was hoping that the nutes would pick them up - but there hasnt been any change - during flowering are you supposed to still cut the fert doses in half? i just assumed that you did


Active Member
as far as im aware no u dont this is the time were it needs nutes more then any but dont over nute and stop giving it 2 weeks before harvesting just feed it plain water then


Active Member
ur lights should be fine is it jus the one plant how far away are the lights my baby started drooping a bit but i moved a cfl bout 1" away ans she perked right up


Active Member
they are about an inch to two inches away-i just moved them to different/better positions so ill see if that picks them up-thanks for the help