Week without water?


I'm going on vacation for a week and was wondering what some advice is for watering throughout. I've tried making my own "waterglobe" or automatic watering with a 2 liter bottle but it drained within the day. I was also wondering what the longest time you guys have gone without watering and still have your plants survive, is a week possible?


Well-Known Member
it will depend on your rooms RH(relative humidity), container size, and temperature.

if you have plants that are 12 inches tall in a 5 gallon pail they should retain enough water for a week anything bigger plant wise or smaller container wise and they may not.

my plants right now are between 2 and 3 feet tall in 5 gallon pails and they only need to be watered every 3-4 days


Well-Known Member
give it a good watering before you go and it shouldn't die. just feed it when you get back


Well-Known Member
I only water once a week , if im on vacation I use those water globes in case they get thirsty . This is in refrence to mature plants , for small starter plants you will need a good neighbor .


Well-Known Member
i water every three days. anything longer and my plants start to wilt and then the leaves start to die.


New Member
kinda funny i missed a watering a while back dunno how but i did anyways it was like desert dry leafs were drooped really bad i flushed them with a nutes approx 550 ppm and within a hr they were sprouting up like troopers but omg they grew 3" that night
person would of thought plant being stressed from being desert dry got some lower leafs that turned yellow but doesnt matter took them off well IMO i have implemented this in my growing program least 2 times throughout i always herd from growers better to have a dry plant then over watered

but anyways depending on your lighting power i would flush them real good and you will be fine