weight liftin


New Member
ya what i think is funny..is the guys who come into the gym in thier wife beater's an think thier hot shit liftin...but their arms an body is tiny as shit...


Well-Known Member
Speaking of lifting does anybody have a favorite bodybuilder.....This is the man before you had to be a freak to win a show.



Well-Known Member
yeah but if you follow bodybuilding at all look at the past and present. They were much more symetrical and with an overall better build. Just look at ronnie coleman and jay cutler these days.


New Member
I don't use any supplements, and those guys use steroids anyway. You don't even need to lift heavy when on steroids. I'm only 157lb. 5' 9". pure muscle though, and I've only been working out for 2 months after a three year lay off. I didn't really lose much anyway, and after a couple of weeks it all came back.

I don't go to a gym, I have my own.


Well-Known Member
yeah I have my own 2 in my basement. I was just saying that the body builders today are pushing the limits. And yeah after you build it and then stop it comes back 3 times as easy then you have to work to add to it.


New Member
I have no body fat, or at least so low as you can't see it. My girl is envious that I can eat what i like without gaining weight. The only time I gain weight is when i build muscle.

If you stop working out and turn to fat, you'll have a harder time as you'll need to burn away the fat first.


Well-Known Member
I have no body fat, or at least so low as you can't see it. My girl is envious that I can eat what i like without gaining weight. The only time I gain weight is when i build muscle.

If you stop working out and turn to fat, you'll have a harder time as you'll need to burn away the fat first.
Yeah you will need to burn fat to see the progress but the progress will still be there. So you have a six pack huh.....Lucky you.....I got lazy and I am getting hefty so I started again and I will fix the diet after I get back into the workouts..You know crawl before you walk.....

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
I enjoy weight lifting, and follow a schedule.

1 hour, 3x a week.

I went from doing, squats, deadlifts, benchpress, and military press
to military press, bicep curls, tricep kickbacks and forearms.

Now i need a new weight set.

Does anybody weight lift when high?

I don't like too,well on indica anyway,
don't much experience on sativa or even if i've tried it before
but it may be nice due to the energetic buzz people say about.


Well-Known Member
i jerkoff like all the time. i think it helps me burn calories and with my circulation. I would recommend it to anyone.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

scary strong and agile.. :)

200 pull ups with 10lbs strapped to me.. in sets of 6
Dead lift 205lbs - 10 sets of 10 super setted with 165lb bench press 10 sets of 10
100 pull ups with 25 lbs strapped to me sets of 6-7
100lb strapped to me - 2pull ups
5 mile run - 40 minutes (not great)
Military push press - 175lbs 5 sets of 4

today i did 100 squats with 145lbs sets of 5-12.... super setted with good mornings


Well-Known Member
Mon-Fri weight training....One body part per day. This week is: Mon-Back/Lats..Tue-Chest...Wed-Shoulders...Wed-Biceps/Triceps....Thurs-Quads...Fri-Hams. Saturday is optional. Also before each workout I either ride the bike for 30mins or Jog for 25 mins on treadmill and do about 300-500 crunches.

Been going at it since 2004. Avg. workout length: 1hr-1.5hrs depending on what Im working that day.

Spliff before going to the gym....if its a long workout...spliff in the middle (in the car I'll hit a lil something)...and of course...a fatty when I get done.

6'5" 248lbs. as of this morning. I usually dont go under 250lbs but Im doing a lil more cardio...trimming down for summer.

if i ever need security...........:mrgreen::peace:


New Member
GK 40 min's is terrible. Try fast running two miles instead. You should do it in max 11 mins. 12 year old kids do it in that time. I usually do any cardio before working with the weights. For one thing it acts as a great muscle loosener so you'll suffer less cramps and muscle stiffness after a work-out with the weights.

Unless you're talking about a running machine, those things are terrible. Aim for 13 min's on a running machine. I don't like them, very awkward to get a decent time.

When i finish a fast run, even a 5min mile I feel dizzy and sick, like I'm going to pass out, it's great. Then the buzz hits, ride it out for a bit then start on the weights.

Unfortunately I'm a bit of a hypocrite, I've been exceptionally lazy this past month or two. I'm going to do a little work-out today. Thanks for reminding me.:mrgreen:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
BRO.... please....

We are talking miles not kilometers.. yes 40 minutes for 8 miles is horrible.. but you have never run a 5 minute mile.. nor have you ran a 6 minute mile and no 12 year old has ever ran 2 miles in 11 minutes.. and I don't use the tread mill unless I am in a foriegn country that is hostile to americans like myself.. :)

One time I did bust a nut in less than 10 seconds.... but I digress


I did -
10 sets of 5 bench - 165lbs
10 sets of 5 (each arm) bent over dumbell rows - 50lbs
10 sets of 10 Double unders (jumping rope - 2 times under feet per jump)

I alternetd between the excercises and did the entire workout in 18 minutes...

I am fooking incredible - body weight 157 clothed