Weight Loss


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Want to know, how much weight can weed loose after drying and curing.

I harvested my WW in October middle. Then dried them and jarred. They weight 184gr from 4 plants. Buds was sticky and soft. I know that I use about 15gr of weed so it must be about 170gr, but there is only 154gr (I think there is some thief :D ) buds is super dry, bit sticky when push them hard and bit crispy...

So can this wight loose from curing?

Im open jars about 1 time a week now. Is there any possibility that buds get to dry? Maybe I need to put in some orange skin or bread inside the jars?

But any way, this weed is so fuuuuckkking grate :D Never felt such euphoria!


Well-Known Member
According to the laws of physics, the buds will continue losing weight as long as they are losing moisture... Are the buds getting drier? Then yes, they are losing weight.