Weird 6-Legged Winged Bugs In My Grow!!!! NOT Mites!!! Please Help!!!

Well-Known Member
Yo if they are aphids, then well, those bugs are NOT good. Aphids are known widely to kill many plants. They are very tiny and can usually only be seen with a magnifier glass or maybe if you look really close and hard. Anyways just remember this, if this bug is classified under an aphid then if there are enough they will infest and kill your plants. (i've seen it happen with green aphids but not white and black ones, so these might be something different)


Well-Known Member
hummm...seeing as how their not my plants, i say leave the lil guys *the bugs* alone and see what happens, so you can let us no..


Well-Known Member
Mealybugs or scales. They present little problems The best way to get them is wet qtip in rubbing alcohol and just picking them off....


Well-Known Member
Yo if they are aphids, then well, those bugs are NOT good. Aphids are known widely to kill many plants. They are very tiny and can usually only be seen with a magnifier glass or maybe if you look really close and hard. Anyways just remember this, if this bug is classified under an aphid then if there are enough they will infest and kill your plants. (i've seen it happen with green aphids but not white and black ones, so these might be something different)
they are NOT aphids. my plants would have been dead weeks ago. i started a plant outside in April. i got lights inside on 6/18. i planted my Blackberry Kush outside with potting soil i found at this house i moved into. it was shit soil and all i could scrounge up. once i got my lights i moved the BBK inside. IT was the plant that started this whole damn mess. i started with 20 something plants. i took the males and the weak looking ones out. i knew the BBK was a fem so shes now a mother. these bugs have been in my garden since day 1. nothing but dead leafs. nothing in the soil, i hand water every other day, i would have noticed something a long time ago. my room temps in my room were in the high 70's to low 80's with ideal humidity conditions. i have been hand killing these bugs every day. started spraying soapy water on them, but on the veg plants. i have 10 in flower and 4 in veg plus 1 mother and i have started my next batch, 5 clones, 5 from seed and 2 clones that i attempted to make 2 weeks ago, that have roots but look rather sad. i HAVE to eradicate these bugs fast!!! like yesterday kind of fast! i do not want my 2nd gro to be infested and wasn't clearly thinking when i started the next round of kids. i picked up the Mighty Wash. i hear it works wonders on Spider Mites. it is some kind of hyped up super charged water, so i do not think it will hurt my plants, but i do not want some freak infestation after i use it. like the MW will act like a steroid for these bugs. that is my biggest fear. i heard really good things about Azamax. was going to trade my MW in for the Azamax today if need be. so that sums up the start of my bug problem. i forgot to take pics when i was watering. i have them on a 8-8 schedule, i was up late making some arrangements and woke up early to water and ran out of time. so, pics will def be uploaded tonight!! i have the Lady Bugs. i need to know what will work better and faster. lets say these AREN'T Fungus Gnats. but like related to them or something. supposedly the Fungus Gnats have larva in the soil. NOTHING is in my soil. no bugs at all. nothing but a gnat here and there in the run off. and that is very seldom. im slowly starting to freak out. i had the problem slightly under control. then it got a little out of hand. now it has to be stopped. any and all advise would be highly appreciated.

thanks for all the real help!! all positive answers are appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
Scales??? really? fuck me! ok... back to doing mad research on them. thank you very much!!

ps. went to the Phish show at UNLV fro the Halloween show in 98. technically i didn't get in, i was out raging the lot with a 5footer of times for sure!!! bought my first bubbler at that show. smoked so many kind nugs. that weekend was one of the best of my life!!!


Well-Known Member
Scales??? really? fuck me! ok... back to doing mad research on them. thank you very much!!

ps. went to the Phish show at UNLV fro the Halloween show in 98. technically i didn't get in, i was out raging the lot with a 5footer of times for sure!!! bought my first bubbler at that show. smoked so many kind nugs. that weekend was one of the best of my life!!!
Wish i was there....... Lot would of worked for me. I just made it to my first Halloween show in 09 out in CA. And ive been going to shows sine 95 What a time..... I wouldnt swet it to much about the scales just try and pick them off by hand and ise Qtips soaked in alcohol. It could be worse..... You could have a mite infest or gnat infest


Well-Known Member
dont think they are scales. ive seen the bugs on my plants under a 60x-100x magnifier and that is far from what they look like. they really do look like them Fungus Gnats, but they are not in the soil at all. i just want to know if the Azamax will kill them? i also saw soem stuff on the shelf in a spray bottle, on the shelf under the Azamax, forgot what it was called, but it said it takes care of 25 different pests. im thinking, since i can't fully identify these faukers, that shit will work, shouldn't it??? im going into my 4th week of flower on 2 of my plants, and 8 are a week behind them. and im not expert, but i think seeing that Skunk is a sativa, that plant will possibly need an extra week or 2. just my guess. so i have a little bit of time, im not in a major rush, however, this shits annoying the fuck out of me. and i need them gone so i can go back to having fun, lol!! plus i do not want this problem in my 2nd garden. im leaving my 4 plants in veg a little extra longer until i can get the problem eradicated. clean healthy plants inside the tent, clean healthy plants going into the tent.

thanks again for all your helps!!


Well-Known Member
Wish i was there....... Lot would of worked for me. I just made it to my first Halloween show in 09 out in CA. And ive been going to shows sine 95 What a time..... I wouldnt swet it to much about the scales just try and pick them off by hand and ise Qtips soaked in alcohol. It could be worse..... You could have a mite infest or gnat infest
yeah i hate gnats too, i had them already and those where no problem to deal with. i also had white flies too from over watering. shit sucked, but i got rid of them all cheaply and organically!! i heard you can;t get gnats in coco, i call bull shit on that, but my girlfriend bought them plants at Wal-Mart and i got them that way i think. and i was over watering a tad, so that didnt help. but i took care of them with a quickness!! i have the occasional gnat here and there. but i hear that is a little normal. these bugs are not normal. let me see if i can take some photos of the veg plants to see if there is anything that will tell the tale of unknown bugs...brb!


Well-Known Member
ok, so i snapped a few pics. in 3 of the pics you can see the bugs. in 2 of the pics you can see the babies, and in 1 pic you can see the adult. its not the best pic, but its decent enough to see them. iseeabug.4.jpgfuckedupleaf.1.jpgiseeabug.2.JPGiseeabug.1.JPG


Well-Known Member
Google "thrips" I would be willing to bet thats what you have....
no my friend, NOT thripes....thought that already. thought Spider Mites, Mites, Thripes, Gnats, White Flys, Scales, and a fw others have been ruled out. my main concern is whatever the fuck they are, to use something that will eradicate them. AGAIN!! i have Mighty Wash and Lady Bugs. been using soapy water, but need something a little bit more powerful. i have apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, cayenne pepper all on hand. ive seen recipes on here with those ingredients, ive even seen tobacco teas for things such as Spider Mites and other predatory pests. Mighty Wash works wonders on Spider Mites. Azamax is supposedly a little better. i have to pick up something else, i just have a feeling i do. ive been having bad luck like that lately.


Well-Known Member
hummm...seeing as how their not my plants, i say leave the lil guys *the bugs* alone and see what happens, so you can let us no..
how about you shit on your plants and let us know if fresh human manure i good for plants. i mean there just plants, you can always grow more. and while your at it go piss on them and spit all over them. i hate stupid opinions!! +1 BLOCK!!!


Well-Known Member
I went back to the Bible for this. I am now leaning towards whitflies and aphids. The spots are honydew that has turned to mold. I would say get some Pyrethrum but that shit is potent but every thing i thought it was is controlled by it. Do some reasearch on it cause i have never used it... It is organic though


Well-Known Member
isnt Pyrethrum neem oil? did you see the recently uploaded pics? the good ol' bible. i have his dvd box set, need the book! badly! may order it off amazon today. thanks again for the help man!! you rock!! ill do some research and get back.


Well-Known Member
not sure what you got, but doesn't look like fungus gnats
pyrenthum is good against many different bug types
you may have to use a shotgun as opposed to exactly identifying what you have


Well-Known Member
not sure what you got, but doesn't look like fungus gnats
pyrenthum is good against many different bug types
you may have to use a shotgun as opposed to exactly identifying what you have
i think i know what your saying. you mean just hit the plants with something hardcore and pray it works? im almost tempted to fog my grow room. but that is a last last last resort. i have a pitbull i care for way to much to even take that chance. even if they say it is safe, fogging and bombing is something i really do not want to do. plus, i grow in a 4x4x7 tent, which is in a spare bedroom. and i have the closet in that room as the veg/mother/cloning chamber. so far my set up is fire! i just have these damn pests!!

i think im going to get the Azamax today. what ever these are are going DOWN HARD!!!! and soon!! i have another grow started already and i found a few in my clone dome today. its time to start trying whatever at this point.

going to get my Co2 tank today. probably wont get the regulator or timer right away, but it will be here very soon!!!