Weird cotyledon and first true leaves curl inward.


New Member
Hi guys im new to the forum!

So as the title says, my cotyledons look weird, like it looks crumpled at the edges.

The first true leaves, albeit small as they are, are curling inward. I was only able to tell through a magnifying tool.

So here is the background......
Im a first time grower. I used garden soil with a coir pot filled with coco coir at the center of my 2 gallon pot. On day 3, the root came out of the soil, so i replanted the seedling in the right direction. That seedling had the base of the helmet stuck on two edges of the cotyledons, keeping them from spreading apart. On day 4, i finally removed the helmet and the membrane. The cotyledons were growing around the helmet. On day 5, which is now, I decided to move my 150w led lamps closer to the pot. After leaving it for a few hours, it looks as described.

Btw ive been watering the coir pot daily except for day 2.

Now i'm thinking it could be light burn, but i need a second opinion, especially on how to get the cotyledons on a flat position.

Thanks in advanced for the help

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Well-Known Member
I don't know about LED lighting but don't water that little girl for at least a week.... or longer. Biggest killer of seedlings is too much water. They need to dry out so the roots will be looking for water. I've had issues with the seed hull sticking to plants too. It's a pain some times. I've got an Apple Jack now that looks like an auto as it lost some of the inner seed material, now it's at 7 weeks flower and it's only 14 inches tall lol. I'll post a pic later. Best thing to do is make sure the light isn't too intense and leave it alone.


Well-Known Member
Ya, echo that. That soil is way too wet for a seedling. Also, not a concern right now, but later on, I noticed that soil is really black, no perlite. Without that, your soil will retain moisture longer, which will cause more problems.


Well-Known Member
Also, you may want to remove that coco fiber pot from the large pot so it can dry out. When it does dry out and becomes "light" then when you do water just put the bottom of the little coco pot in some water for a 30 secs to a minute. This way the moisture stays at the bottom so it won't damp off and fall over.


New Member
Okay, so i removed the coir pot from the actual pot, hopefully it will dry out faster.
As for my soil, it is really hard to get perlite, even good soil. The soil is reused from the gardening store i bought it from. Any idea what stores other than gardening and hardware hold some perlite?


New Member
Also, i was wondering, if the roots grow out to the bigger pot and i water it, will it still drown? I still have the coco coir that will airate better than my soil. I can also switch to a more silted soil if thats any better.
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