Weird Golden Powder appearing on New Growth


Well-Known Member
Turn up the co2,become the Hitler of hemp.
yelp, thats pretty much how you rid them, gas em with some bombs. Sucks bc once you have had these bitches, you might as well just bomb every fall and spring and maybe in the summer for good measure. These little bastards ruined me. Wiped out my whole grow before I could fix it, bc there was zero info on the net about em, only RIU. oh....heh.... TY RIU.


Well-Known Member
Do it again in 5 days to get the children.mass genocide bitches.
If you really dislike em..just crank it to 2500ppm,and make em work for their last breaths..


New Member
Spinosad will kill them. I get those bastards all over my dwarf hibiscus.
Thanks for the advice, and jonnyquest
Dont mention thats what this place is for :D

Like LB said you can use spinosad. Or if you already have neem oil you can use that but you need to apply it numerous times to make sure they're suffocated and dead. I'm assuming you don't have adults flying around yet... I suggest you take care of it before you get adults because once you do each sucker can lay close to 100 eggs in your leaves and it gets way harder... o_O I used neem oil with an all natural dish soap sprayed down all infected areas heavily and they were dead within like 3 or 4 applications. Pryrethrum sprays work too

You caught it pretty early so your girls are gonna be good just make sure they are good and gone!
Yeah after 3 applications I'm not seeing them anymore, I caught it right as the eggs were hatching and I haven't had any flying around yet. Thanks again!