Weird internode growth? With PICS!


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this is normal or not? But in either can anyone elaborate on why most of my clones are growing this way? These are 2 clones take from the same mother on the about 1 month ago. The strain is Arjan's Haze #2 which is a stretchy sativa so disregard the stretch.

The first is of what I think is normal internodes. And the other is what I think is not normal.



Well-Known Member
They are both normal. The second one just has alternating nodes. What's strange is that they are from the same mum but look to be at different maturity levels. Maybe they were taken from different levels of the plant.

By the way, adding some blue spectrum lighting during the first few weeks of 12/12 will lessen the stretching considerably.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that they were under a 250W MH light to veg before they went outdoors today. I had them under 18/6 for from cut to rooting and 2 weeks veg and then switched to 16/8 for 2 weeks so they wouldn't prematurely flower once sent outside. I did have the issue with keeping the temps steady during lights on/off which makes sense. Thanks for the responses.


Well-Known Member
They just have alternating nodes, this is what happens when cannabis matures. Its what gives colas that "cola" look.