Weird mutant plant?

And oh yeah I have this weird mutant plant. It emerged with yellow shrivelled Cotyledons and just didn't grow or do anything for about 2 weeks. Then it suddenly sprang unto life after I fed it alot of different things and sprayed hormones onto it. It first grew two regular single finger fan leaves. Then all sorts of weird shaped leaves. With strange branching / node and leaf styles. Then I realised it seemed kinda mainlined, it just keeps sprouting new main stems from its central point. So far it has sprouted 7 in total that I can see, big and small. and I am tying them to the edge of the pot when they get long enough.

It's a real strange plant, this one. I'm intrigued to see what it does. Anyone got any idea? It grew from two tiny leaves to this in the space of about a week and a half. And it seems to be growing faster and faster. Some of the side branches that usually emerge on plants to form new bud sites are a bit strange. They only have one leaf as opposed to two opposing leaves. Just one weird single finger leaf and a growth tip that continues to grow and then produce 3 finger leaves and pairs of them like normal.

Although it has 1 or 2 "branch points" with no growth tips at all. Just two almost conjoined looking leaves without the typical vein patterns.

Oh yeah it's an auto. The other autos have all stopped growing and started flowering. Whereas this is still growing although starting to show sex on one of the first main stems that grew from the central hub. I'm wondering if it will start flowering soon or it's body clock may be starting from when it sprang into life?

It looked weird from emergence. It looked like that doing nothing for ages


Here's a pic of it now. The other lst one was taken yesterday. To get an idea of how fast it's growing. I think it might be on the pre flowering stretch and about to flower soon. Unfortunately, it was a photo, imagine vegging that out across the entire floor space of your grow room haha. Could have been a monster! I would have cut the bottom off the pot and transplant her to a bigger pot and again train all the tops from the edge of the small pot outwards towards the edge of the new pot but I think it's too late now. It's 5 weeks old and I don't see roots coming out the bottom . I doubt the plant could even use that root space now.


Imagine growing it horizontally on the walls of your grow room. Or on the wall of your house like a vine lool.

If only it could keep vegging Ahh. The number of branches and growth tips can increase exponentially as you tie down and side branches become bigger.

It's my first grow, does anyone know what this is?
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Well-Known Member
The grow tip was damaged when the seed was formed and after its initial germination it failed. Eventually after another while un-differentiated cells forced out a new grow tip or tips and this broke the plants symmetry making it look retarded'ish :-)
Are you sure about that bro? That could explain the several main branches. But it doesn't appear to be stopping sprouting new main stems from that central area.

I thought this at first, however it did grow two single finger fan leaves like normal, (can be seen in lime green colour in the seedling stage pic). Then it just did almost nothing for 4 weeks (I watched it very closely)

It also doesn't explain its emergence with weird yellow small cotyledons (which are actually still on the plant somewhere). And also the weird shape and pattern on some the leaves. You can't see any of the strangest ones in the pictures I have uploaded. But believe me there were a few leaves with the most random of shapes , and also almost smooth patterns on them. And weird branching patterns. A lot of the branches only have one leaf and one grow tip. It's a completely irregular plant.

I suspected that it was genetic issue. I thought it may have been deficient in something and had some weird mutated genetics. I assumed it also did nothing for 4 weeks because it was hormone deficient. It only started growing suddenly after I applied brassinolide and triacontanol.
It emerged only yellow cotyledon then grew two lime green single finger leaves then did nothing for about a month before starting to suddenly grow out


Well-Known Member
Are you sure about that bro? That could explain the several main branches. But it doesn't appear to be stopping sprouting new main stems from that central area.

I thought this at first, however it did grow two single finger fan leaves like normal, (can be seen in lime green colour in the seedling stage pic). Then it just did almost nothing for 4 weeks (I watched it very closely)

It also doesn't explain its emergence with weird yellow small cotyledons (which are actually still on the plant somewhere). And also the weird shape and pattern on some the leaves. You can't see any of the strangest ones in the pictures I have uploaded. But believe me there were a few leaves with the most random of shapes , and also almost smooth patterns on them. And weird branching patterns. A lot of the branches only have one leaf and one grow tip. It's a completely irregular plant.

I suspected that it was genetic issue. I thought it may have been deficient in something and had some weird mutated genetics. I assumed it also did nothing for 4 weeks because it was hormone deficient. It only started growing suddenly after I applied brassinolide and triacontanol.
Yes im pretty sure, when it made a new growth tip it lost its symetry and hence forth many tips spouted out and continue to do so. The damage caused it like when people FIM their plant, which is like topping but only you slice through the plant cells that cause it to divide fucking them up and the result is multiple new shoots from that one place.

I know this sounds complex and let me reassure you that it has nothing to do with genetics or mutations. Simply google how to fim a plant and you will see the multiple nodes that yours displays....

Heres a basic link but you should look much futher...

Always a pleasure and good luck :-)