Weird Problem, Please Help!


Well-Known Member
yes flush now the nutes could be blockin roots, jus water with ph'd water heavily then elave em for a few days till they dryu out then make sure when u feeed nutes, the water is ph'd, and after that do not over water again, and use 1/4 strength nutes :?

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
ouch poor poor weeds let them dry out you can try air rating soil to speed up prosses and give thouse roots oxygen


Well-Known Member
You can get ph testers at walmart, and all stores like that,, home depot,, your local hydro store can be a lot of help,,,,, good luck....:peace:...............


Well-Known Member
I had a similar issue (NOT ED, LOL) and it was because the plant was root bound. How big is the container you're growing in compared to the size of the plant? I had a 1 litre pot that had an 11 inch tall plant in it and the whole thing drooped. I transplanted into a 5 gallon pot and she perked up in a day. Just my 2 cents, hope that helps!


Active Member
I think that might have been it actually, I just transplanted to a bigger container and the roots had made a flat surface on the bottom of the pot pretty much covering the entire bottom with roots. Thanks for all the help ill post updates soon