Weird seedling growth


Active Member
My seedlings are coming along. But I have this weird growth on one of them. Anyone see this before or know why it'd grow like that. In the photo it's White Thunder #1 (WT#1) on the bottom left side of the trays. It's growth is like one cone shaped leaf. I don't see any new growth inside that yet. Thanks!

I've had several start this way. They usually outgrow it within 3 or 4 more nodes. Just treat it as usual. Give it a chance. Should be fine.
Wher did you get the white thunder from, if your able to say? If its the original oldline these should be quite interesting to see. Was a beautiful smoke.
Yeah ive seen growth like that before. They should grow up fine as they get bigger. Sometimes old seedlings or highly inbred lines come out a bit twisted or with wrinkled leaves. Keep a eye on it tho, may be a good one.