Weird shaped buds


Well-Known Member
It just happens and it is as simple as that.

Seen it many times over the decades and its no biggie.

Just grow the fucker and have done with it.

2Hearts, you need to stop thinking too much and accept the facts. You waste your life away and just accept that it happens.

If you are unable to take fellow growers words for it and also be unconvinced by the many pictures and experiences...your problem buddy.

Sorry but WTF seriously...........


Here is the same plant that auto split its main stem:

I did go a bit brutal on the training so not too surprised if they fascination is stress induced.

First indoor grow in a long time. Very interested to see if the cuttings from this plant auto split as well. Genetics are fascinating (pun intended).

T macc

Well-Known Member
Hello, not exactly a problem per-say, I have these weird semi circular shaped buds growing on one plant in my little grow space.
One side of the grow space is an old wall mirror, it is to reflect light back across the grow but I'm wondering if it is too intense and causing the buds to grow sideways, will this be a problem?
View attachment 4550267

The other plant on the otherside of this plant, away from the mirror looks fine:
View attachment 4550268

Bigger is better, right? Even if it is growing sideways :weed:
Mirrors are only 50% reflective of light. Flat white paint is much better, above 90% reflectivity


Well-Known Member
It will smoke like twig and leaf, look closer at the tiny network of branching suffocating the calyx.

Had that been buds on a stem the twig be easily seperated but you cant seperate the twig from that bud so it smokes like dick.

Even now more twig is dividing into smaller twig but not upwards just outwards futher compacting the structure.

Thank you for the answers people.

This plant has always been weird, the main stem split itself into two when it was about 3 weeks old, looking forward to some mutated smoke! I will be very vigilant for bud rot. Interested to see how this plant progresses.


Active Member
Be careful couple hours wet and that will get bud rot and spread it around like a free hooker. I’ve had bud growth twice like that and both times it got bud rot Messed a bunch of branches on a few plants it was near they were outside tho