weird smoking habits/routines?


Well-Known Member
i use to smoke cig like u but i quit that so i just smoke 2 extra joints but now my routine is.
15 minutes b4 i blaze i put my bong is the freezer with a lil bit of water turn em every few minutes so the whole thing is iced without covering the whole then i blaze as soon as im done i watch my baby plants for a few minutes.


Well-Known Member
yeahh me too! i dont even like standing to smoke a cigarette.

i usually just come here and sit in my kick back chair and type to you guys=)


Well-Known Member
has anyone ever basked under the glow of a HPS bulb while baked? yea, i bet at least one of you has - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm orangey warmth


Well-Known Member
i use to smoke cig like u but i quit that so i just smoke 2 extra joints but now my routine is.
15 minutes b4 i blaze i put my bong is the freezer with a lil bit of water turn em every few minutes so the whole thing is iced without covering the whole then i blaze as soon as im done i watch my baby plants for a few minutes.
dunno why but i dont care much for joints
prolly cuz nobody ever knows how to roll them right (especially me)
much easier just to hit the pipe :D

hopefully i got a new one for christmasss! :D


Well-Known Member
you need to work on your rolling abilities

i remember starting out and how shit they were, but it's just practice. try rerolling cigarettes while you're listening to music to get it down - use silver rizzla king size papers, nothing is better

once you've got a decent cone technique down, it's hard to smoke anything else. joints are so much more fun to hang out with friends and talk while you smoke, instead of just getting ruined in three hits and then having it wear off really quickly. even if you've just on your own, joints win for me


Well-Known Member
its easier to roll with sticky buds .
once u get really good. try rolling backwards. meaning put the chronic on the opposite side of the paper than normal. im not jokin (learned it from a brown guy who went to europe) that way u dont blaze extra paper if ur rolling pinners(which i prefer for personal use) its easier than it sounds . get better at normal rolling 1st . im just offering a new way to roll n get this idea out there where it isnt yet.


Well-Known Member
this is gonna sound really dumb, but i've never asked it before in all the time i've smoked..
is rolling a joint harder than rolling a blunt?


Well-Known Member
not really for me becuz i usually have 2 blunt wraps at a time n its much more pressure for me not to f up or rippin it while joints take 25 sec to roll. my blunt wraps are very delicate


Well-Known Member
Its become a routine lately to just grab the biggest bud i can find real fast. Sit back and begin a smokeathon. im not stoping till this is gone. smokefest.



Well-Known Member
lol sick sick
i have a habit of smokin shit up quick
but im tryin to not smoke so much haha so it lasts but its so hard


Well-Known Member
I had this crazy idea to make plant porn once.
Like a man getting off with a marijuana plant.
As a spoof of bestiality or something.
fucking your plants.


Well-Known Member
rolling with more green or a blunt is only harder because you have to think more about how dry it is and how it's cut up. if you put big lumps of wet green in, it won't burn and you won't be able to draw through it. i usually only smoke blunts if it's a party, even with someone else smoking some them it can be absolutely lethal strong. depends how good the green is and what paper you're rolling with


Well-Known Member
ah. i think i get it.
i'm just too uncoordinated.

if i get a craving for a joint i just put weed in the end of one my smokes.
it works?


Well-Known Member
yeah or you can pinch out the tobacco and use it in a straw like manner to suck up the busted up dope. Pack her, suck, pack her, suck, pack her full for now, remove the cotton filter, add a cardboard one, pack her down and fill one more time with just your fingers, if you suck with the carboard in, you get weed chunks in your mouth.

The best way to learn to roll is to make big fat two papers, this gives you excess paper to play with and practice tucking and rolling.
Lick the end of one sticky, stick it to the bottom of an unlicked paper on the backside of it right on the crease. This process creates a paper platform between flexible peices of rolling paper that helps keep your weed inside your joint. You'll want to press your weed down with a lighter or the zigzag pack and wrap the paper around the weed and put your thumbs just above the weed between two papers and crush it down by sliding the weed into a cyllinder shape between the papers.
Your weed will look like a joint with no paper, so put the loose end ontop of your weed and roll it up slowly at first removing the crinkles and making sure the weed is level, then wrap it till your sticky meets your rolled up weed in a paper blanket.
Lick it, sealing it slowly so that it's tight and not disproportional.