Weird white fuzz on flowering OG stem! Pics inside


Well-Known Member
So I was inspecting my kids today, they are in their 3rd week of flowering, about to start their 4th week on Saturday and I noticed that my Fire OG plant seems to have this odd white fuzz on some of the lower stems. I've never read or seen this around. Can you Please take a look and give some suggestions. I also added some pics of my Valley Bubba which the lower leaves are showing some dark spotting and crispy tips (magnesium?). Thanks Guys. ((PPM:1000-1300; Ph: 6.7 ; Advanced Nutes grow, micro, bloom; 1000 watt hps; fox farms ocean and 1/4 perlite))

these is the frosty fire og onesView attachment 1963263View attachment 1963264

these are the valley bubba View attachment 1963265View attachment 1963266


Well-Known Member
white fuzz could be powdery mildew, better take care of that if it is. The pic on the leaf i'm not sure, if its just one one of the bottom leaves i wouldn't worry too much


Ursus marijanus
Your crispy tips are likely overfert. Imo your ppm are on the high side, and a level supported by plants in late veg can become too much in early flower ... which is why I see so many cases of N toxicity an 'week 2-3 of flower" pics on this site. I advise dropping to about 800 ppm and dialing back N while maintaining the other majors.

How's your humidity?

The fuzz looks frightening. It's probably either a fungus or an arthropod parasite. I would paint one lesion with something like neem oil, and the other with something fungicidal, and see if one or both respond favorably. cn


Well-Known Member
I'd go with Powdery mildew. Probably too high humidity. Needs sorting or you'll get bud-rot.


Well-Known Member
how can I take care of the Powdery Mildew?

@cannabineer: I don't know the humidity of my room, which is probably the one downside I see of it. I did notice that the flowering process has slowed down on this one plant though.


Ursus marijanus
Mr.Buds, if you are convinced it is mildew, I would research fungicides and use the strongest one that you can both afford and feel safe using.
I would advise against the "frequency-adjusted water" pseudoscientific placebo however.
I have read reports that diluted milk is very effective against PM, so I would try that ... make 4:1 mwater:milk and paint it onto and around the affected areas.
However (disclaimer!!) i have never had the opportunity to test that.
Another immediate control strategy is to paint/spray the affected and surrounding areas with 3% hydrogen peroxide. This should not injure the plant. But please do some reading on the topic and only accept a strategy or action with which you're comfy, or you might end up chasing the proverbial feral fowl! cn


New Member
ye powdery mildew br0 ;( use make sure use systemic vegetables fungicide it goes away in 3 dayz and it goez into da sap and keelz da funguuce from da inside of da plants and da funguuce cannot reproduisse and it will die and u winner fungicide = good


Well-Known Member
Go down the garden centre. There are loads of fungicides. Preferably use one recommended for food. Use as a foliar spray or stem-inject, not in your res (some are based on Phosphoric acid, what we call 'pH down!) Sulfer is a good active ingredient but again plays havoc with your nutes if used in the res.
Another option is to use as a Sulfer burner.
Finally, get an rH (humidity) meter. They are dirt cheap. I got mine in the local reptile shop for £2. Also available in garden centres.


Well-Known Member
So after a bit of research, I'm thinking of going with an eradicant systemic fungicide for fruits/vegtables. Should I just light foliar feed the affected areas? I'm trying not to foliar feed a whole lot since they are in their 3rd week of flowering. Any recommendations on a specific brand/type of the fungicide I should purchase?


Well-Known Member
u might try 1tbl spoon baking soda, 1/2 tsp of liquid dish soap (non toxic), in 1 gal of water. careful not to spray the buds.


Well-Known Member
look up the hydrogen peroxide method, much less abraisive than harsh fungicides and you dont want to be spraying that nasty shit on your plants your going to smoke. just my 2¢

i have read H2O2 works great i believe thats what the all famous george cervantes uses :)



Well-Known Member
only difference is he is doing this to a plant that he is harvesting, you wont want to chop your plant to do this so a spray and rub technique would probally be best. do your homework like CN said earlier :) best of luck man


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys for all the responses. After much reading and diagnosing I have taken to a PM (powdery mildew) Wash by NPK Industries. The guy that I always talk with at my local hydro store highly suggested this PM Wash. It's a non systemic and I gave a majority of my plants a good foliar feed with it last night about 2 hours into their light schedule. I choose a non systemic solution because I didn't want my plants absorbing anything weird. This PM Wash can be applied to plants at any stage of their growth but of course any sort of moisture to the actual flowers is never good so I tried to stay away from them as much as possible. I will update results once I see some.


Well-Known Member
Been spraying with the PM WASH for the past 3 days, powder still seems to be coming around. I am going to get 100% neem oil today and use as a rubbing method. What's a good diluting ratio with neem oil?