Weird white spots on the leaves

white spots

  • fungi

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • pests

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • nutritients

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Dear growers ;-)

I found recently these weird spots on the leaves of my papaya cannabis and there seem to be in a real trouble cause its like every day they get twice of these.

They re 1 months old and i m really worried.

I tried fungicides and pesticides with no luck at all

helpppp!!! kiss-ass


Sorry I voted pests by accident..

I've been growing for over 15 years and thats something we called a dotty on a rot, basically measn your plant will flower very little, or wont flower at all.


Well-Known Member
they look like the result of spidermite where they eat it leaves white spots, could be wrong tho


Active Member
I've also seen something vaguely similar on plants that are moved back and forth between indoors and outdoors.
It's not a good thing regardless of the cause though.


After a little investigation i found white flies and some spidermites so i think that Fly got it right.
I dont bring them indoor only outdoor, so they re in the "wild" nature. Pests can reach them easilly.
I hope the flyingocto is wrong cause they re my last and i really wanted them to grow.
i m not an experienced grower and i grew mostly auto flowering varieties.
This would be my second of a normal one
Can i save them? :roll:


Active Member
oh and for those who were confuses by the blue spots they re a fungicide based on copper
hahaha I was going to say ummmmm it looks like you have bit more than a spidermite problem haha x.x And Ive movewd my plant from outdoors to indoors several times with no damage like that soo you can 100% rule that out


remember your name

Active Member
use the hot shot hangable pest strip thing, it works 100% for sure, i had mites and thrips and they would NOT go away with any sprays or or anything they kept coming back and problems got worse, you dont want to be spraying anyways put hot shot in the room bugs and eggs are dead same day, then recovery of your plants, as the leaves die pick them off so energy isnt being used on dead or dying leaves, make sure they are more than 50% dead otherwise they are needed, the chewed up leaves will continue to die and may look worse before better, good luck


But for this hot shot to work i need a closed and controlled enviroment, i guess.
Thats is not an option cause i grow them outdoors. Except if i quarantine them for some days in a control enviroment, but then when i ll get them back
the problem will insist.
Hmm now i see why the indoor cultivation is so much better.
An experienced gardener i asked (for regular plants) advised sulfur dust. Has anyone tried this?


ok i found something very interesting and hope it will help, so i write it for advices and it may helps other too. A spray 50/50 with rubbing alcochol and some soap in it may do the trick. i ll try it tomorrow and i m going to use a pure alcochol 95. lets see how it goes

remember your name

Active Member
oh yeah i didnt realize it was an outside grow....well that sucks, maybe bring it inside? lol I'm sorry I have no advice for ya then as I have no experience with outside grow problems. You can try neem oil rub it on the leaves especially underneath them if your other thing doesnt work, the neem oil might help actually it should def help but might not make them completely go away, also look out for worms getting in your buds outside....YUCK!


well i dont know about the vinegar but as far as now it seems that the alcochol water soap solution has an effect and the population of mites has decreased . I also rubbed the underneath of the leaves. I now control it. I havent tried neem oil cause it s not easy to find it here or i dont know where to look for it lol :P

I wouldnt try the vinegar solution cause it my alter the pH of the soil if you have to use it often. But again i cannot say for sure.

I never saw a worm in the bud!!! what is it? i havent even heard of it! sounds like YUCK!!!! to me too! :)


Well-Known Member
u can get some azamax and drench with for 3 weeks and it will make plants toxic to bugs like spider mites yhata what u have