weird yellowing?


Active Member
Growing in coco, using thr Lucus method. Thought it was a magnesium prop. But maybe it could be heat stress. None of the others are showing this fault. Even the other sleestack plant. Cant figure it out looking at the chart. But magnesium was my best guess after reading and referencing. Just looking for reassurance basically.



Looks like it, yeah. If you treat quickly it shouldn't cause any issues. Fastest way to treat micro-nutrient deficiencies is to to make a solution to be applied by spraying on the leaves, especially undersides (foliar feeding). Magnesium def. is easy, Epsom salt is commonly available (USP 100% in drug stores) and water soluble, it is magnesium sulfate. Mix a teaspoon into a gallon of water and spray onto the foliage, it would be GREAT if you had fulvic or even soluble humic acids to mix in with the Epsom salt but if not no big deal.


Active Member
Looks like it, yeah. If you treat quickly it shouldn't cause any issues. Fastest way to treat micro-nutrient deficiencies is to to make a solution to be applied by spraying on the leaves, especially undersides (foliar feeding). Magnesium def. is easy, Epsom salt is commonly available (USP 100% in drug stores) and water soluble, it is magnesium sulfate. Mix a teaspoon into a gallon of water and spray onto the foliage, it would be GREAT if you had fulvic or even soluble humic acids to mix in with the Epsom salt but if not no big deal.
Awesome. I can do that, I have epsom salt because of the Lucas Method. So just throw a gram in a gallon of water before I mix up my nutes like normal. Then spray it. Then mix my nutes, and feed evrything like normal. That should work right?

Thanks man. I thought it was a mag deficiency because that'd normally the only mico nute that goes wrong in Lucas. Thanks brother.

Smokegreenshit-thanks for the tip, but I was sure it was N def becausr the others arent showing it, and the PH is always 5.8. Lucas method makes it perfect ph everytime you mix it. Thanks guys. I'll update.


Active Member
Also, thr new growth doesnt look affected. Maybe the problem remedied itself. If it's fixed, it shouldnt keep happening on the lowrr growth right? If it's not, it will, and will eventually hit the new growth, correct? I'll get a better look after work today? And foliar feed some epsom salt.


Mg is mostly mobile, so symptoms starts at or near the bottom and work their way up. New growth shouldn't be affected until the deficiency is getting severe; you will see the symptoms move up the plant.

So, if you apply to foliage for fast absorption, and then make sure you add more Mg to the soil, you should see that the symptoms are not progressing, and some of the lesser affected leaves should start to green up completely again.