Weirdest Person To Get Weed From


Well-Known Member
All sorts of different people use marijuana. Some people you just wouldn't expect to smoke weed. I got weed from my best friend's mother. She gave it to HIM as his graduation gift. And to top it all she's the one who grew it!
Who is the weirdest/oddest person you have received marijuana from?


I used to get the best weed ever from this Dr. I knew. He grew it in his basement. It was like 15 years ago so all this mmj stuff was unheard of! He would only sell 1/8s. I used to sell weed to the head of the School Dist.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
when I was a little kid i once got some weed from this guys best friends mother who grew it.....

but then this guy kidnapped me and told me he was going to do some scary stuff, so I gave it to him

I never did smoke any of that :(


Well-Known Member
when i was a little kid i once got some weed from this guys best friends mother who grew it.....

But then this guy kidnapped me and told me he was going to do some scary stuff, so i gave it to him

i never did smoke any of that :(
kidnapped you..this sounds like a movie i seen...


Well-Known Member
hello sir,
i am in Cameroon i am looking for buyers of weed (marijuana) i live in west Africa. i have send weed parcels to the UK without any problem. i have two buyer over there in uk, but i need more. please note that i do send but via our post office that is register mail only. sir email me if you need it or you known of any one who buy weed (marijuana) there? please tell he or her to contact me.
i sell in kilograms and grams. contact me for price and photos. payment after you received the weed. payment via western union. also have some weed seeds for sale.
i do wait for your reply.
contact me at or
This Guy takes the cake.

P.S.-If you're dumb enough to get ripped off, you deserve it!


Well-Known Member
my dad gave me alot.... i come to find out he dropped out of college and made bucoo bucks selling drugs when he was my age


Well-Known Member
Did you put me in quotation marks because you're making a personal dig against me THROUGH my RIU alter ego??



RIU Bulldog
I found a bunch of weed in a metal sports bottle at work once.
That's about the most unexpected place I got weed from.
Other than that, the only time I'm surprised anymore is when someone other than myself provides the weed.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
My Sociology professor. dude got high before class everyday on medicinal. but i've heard of cops selling pot near where i live. i dont think its beneath them.


Active Member
Man they're just another fuckin person like everyone else, and being a cop is just to get a damn paycheck and probably some power play at the same time.

Why not sell some of the free weed you just stole from somebody who did all the work to produce it?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My bipolar relative that sold me a half oz. of silver something-or-other which he purchased off a policeman in rural somewhere-that's-not-New Mexico. It was potent as hell. I didn't even ask him. He just knocked on my bedroom window around midnight and handed me a bag. "I'll get the money in the morning." Scared the living shit out of me. I thought a skinwalker was tapping at my window.

Good shit.