Welch's Juice adds flavor and color!


Global Moderator
Staff member
I do expect every single one of you to give me rep after you see the pictures from my harvest in less than 2 months.

Don't be surprised if this goes big on RIU very by the new year :)
Well, considering I've only seen about a dozen of these threads in the last couple of years - all unverified of course.
But just pretend I'm from Missouri.
(The "Show Me" state.)

Brick Top

New Member
I do expect every single one of you to give me rep after you see the pictures from my harvest in less than 2 months.

Don't be surprised if this goes big on RIU very by the new year :)
Why would you think that you lucked into something great that somehow over the many, MANY years that people have grown has never been tried by anyone ever before and that it will go "big" here, or on any growing forum? The only thing about it that will go "big" is the laughter it causes.

I began getting high when I was 14-year old, which was in 1969. I knew people who were older than me that were already skilled growers by then. I began growing in 1972. There is almost nothing that anyone could possibly put on a plant that hasn't already been tried, and tried decades ago, and the string of failures using them is nearly endless. Over the decades I have seen just about every type of fruit juice (home made and store bought), wine, beer, hard liquor, candies of various flavors (crushed or cut up and soaked in water), cough drops (crushed or cut up and soaked in water), sugar, brown sugar, maple syrup, corn syrup and much more used in failed attempts to alter flavor and or color.

Do you honestly believe you will succeed doing the very same thing that many others before you failed at doing?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

Stark Raving

Active Member
The true secret to growing the best bud is to use your old bong water.

........ok, it made perfect sense after a few hits.


bud bootlegger
Why would you think that you lucked into something great that somehow over the many, MANY years that people have grown has never been tried by anyone ever before and that it will go "big" here, or on any growing forum? The only thing about it that will go "big" is the laughter it causes.

I began getting high when I was 14-year old, which was in 1969. I knew people who were older than me that were already skilled growers by then. I began growing in 1972. There is almost nothing that anyone could possibly put on a plant that hasn't already been tried, and tried decades ago, and the string of failures using them is nearly endless. Over the decades I have seen just about every type of fruit juice (home made and store bought), wine, beer, hard liquor, candies of various flavors (crushed or cut up and soaked in water), cough drops (crushed or cut up and soaked in water), sugar, brown sugar, maple syrup, corn syrup and much more used in failed attempts to alter flavor and or color.

Do you honestly believe you will succeed doing the very same thing that many others before you failed at doing?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
welcome back brick.. missed the knowledge.. :)


Well-Known Member
I also think I am going to revolutionize the world of growing.

My lemon skunk is amazing. Added lemon juice to it.

Lowered the pH AND made it smell/taste like lemons.

I'm a genius.


Well-Known Member
i use coffe and tea to water my plants. so you get a high and your buzzing, great for work.

i also water some plants ith vodka and orange juice. its a evenly smoke or after hang over smoke.

i also water with lsd, as im trying to replicate barneys strains. cheers, i hope this helps.

by the way, if you shred some money, perferably all one hundred dollar bills and add them to the soil, your pot will grow money beside it. ... and also give you hand jobs.


Well-Known Member
i use coffe and tea to water my plants. so you get a high and your buzzing, great for work.

i also water some plants ith vodka and orange juice. its a evenly smoke or after hang over smoke.

i also water with lsd, as im trying to replicate barneys strains. cheers, i hope this helps.

by the way, if you shred some money, perferably all one hundred dollar bills and add them to the soil, your pot will grow money beside it. ... and also give you hand jobs.
steroids in marijuana? you betcha! bulk your bitch up with steroids. cant believe nobody knew that!? ;)


Well-Known Member
i give my plants meth, ol trailer park secret, makes em grow nonstop for weeks, ofcoarse they sleep it off for a few days, than back to growing for a few weeks straight. funny thing is, is they alays come out skinny and fuckt. the high is always psycotic and i always see these monsters when i smoke it. oh and i hear helipcopters. alot.

Brick Top

New Member
i also water with lsd, as im trying to replicate barneys strains. cheers, i hope this helps.
I actually knew a couple people who tried that in the 70's and thought they would trip when they toked.

Maybe if they would have mixed it with Welch's grape juice it would have worked since Welch's grape juice is now supposedly some sort of wunder-additive.

I have seen people put just about every known drug into their soil thinking that it would be taken up by the plants in it's drug form and then when the buds were smoked it would add it's high to that of the pot.

Brick Top

New Member
For all of the OLD growers out there, like me, if you crush up some Viagra and add it to your plant's water you will get a bone when you toke.


Well-Known Member
now you can say everything in the book has been tried for an additive to growing weed, yeah probably...was it all documented and the knowledge of "hey this killed my shit" passed on down through those generations? Not really...Trying something new and different for experimentation isn't a BAD thing, neither is stifling ones creativity...how do you know that there might be a substance out there that might be in Welch's juice taken in from the ground at which those grapes were grown that isn't transferred into the marijuana by its root systems regardless if its broken down...it MIGHT still do something...

so that insane kid down the road who keeps jumping off the steps and repeatedly smashes his face off the pavement while trying to do skateboard tricks...MIGHT become a professional skateboarder one day and be very famous...shitty analogy but you get the idea...


Active Member
so if i piss on my plants or shit in the soil, my buds are going to either be green or brown?? i call bullshit, we all know this doesn't work...
i can't believe people actually believe this horse shit.. :)
Why don't yuh guys try it if dnt believe it....