Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Hi guys I'm new to the forum.

I've never grown any weed in my life, really not any plant. So, basically I know nothing about it. I want to grow some of my own outdoors but I can't really afford to get any bags of topsoil or fertilizers.

So, I'm thinking that maybe I could plant a very small amount in some corn fields around me (there are tons of fields) and monitor them there. The thing is I don't know if the type of soil a corn farmer would use would grow pot well. Or if the farmer would fertilize the field enough or whatever else.

Is this a bad idea? Or could it be pulled off? Give me some tips please.


Active Member
Hello every one!! This is my first time growing i have read most of the forums before i joined. I read in the forums some where the more plats you start with the better odds of getting a female so i have 8 of them. 4 of the first 8 didn't take so i plated 4 more then 1 of them didn't take so i replaced it so the oldest plants are 7 days old and the newest one is 3 days old. I am using 2 cfl's one is the 43 watt econ(wal-mart special) and the other one is a 27 watt full spect. desk lamp(its got 3 tubs that bend to make 6 inline tubs about 3 inches each). I think I'm going to learn how to use my journal to keep from making long post about nothing :).


Active Member
Im a first time grower as well. My roomie and I are doing it in our split house. We wanted to do it in the backyard but all our sides are disposed to neighbors. So we can't really hide it. So are growing our plant in the closet. What are some good sudjestions for indoor growing. Its about an inch tall in the pot now. I honestly do not really know the best way to grow, all the help I can get I would really appreciate.
Since we have to grow it indoors and in a small place. How is the best way to keep the smell down as much as possible and heat and light wise. What do you sudjest?
Thanx guys for all your help, us two girls are going out now. Feel free to email us with some advice purple_haven21@hotmail.com



Elite Rolling Society
Look at stealthHydro.com and at the thread here STEALTH HYDRO BUBBLEPONICS
it is a low heat, low electricity use system that grows VERY FAST


Active Member
If you haven't posted yet, this is a place to introduce yourself and let us know your here. Don't be shy, and if you have any questions, start a thread, and ask away, we'll do our best to help you out.
Long time smoker, first time grower. :blsmoke:
This site has provided me with so much great info! Thank you!
I have quality seeds coming and will be using a 6-site aeroponic with 125 CFL for the first phase. I had planned on going 24h during this period, but have seen a lot of posts on here advising 18/6.
The grow will be in a white, painted closet.
I had planned on adding a 250 to 400w quality light for the 12/12 flowering period.

A couple of questions I have...
Are 3" net pots big enough for all stages of my grow?
And, do I need special nutrients to get real quality buds?
Lastly, any thoughts on my lighting set up?

Your previous and future help is greatly appreciated.

I look forward to the day when we can have ganja sprouting up, LEGALLY, in our outdoor gardens... For now, I look forward to when my stealth closet set up provides me with the quality sensemelia.

PEACE and Love! :joint:


Active Member
For the sake of anonymity, let's say my name is "Jack." I am currently working on my second crop ever, so I have a basic understanding of of what the do's and don'ts of growing are. However I am still pretty much a beginner, so I will certainly utilize the information available to me via this site. Thank you in advance to everyone who ends up helping me out and giving me tips, and tricks of the trade.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, i'm new to this forum but not new to the culture of marijuana.

I've made a box and will be buying some lights tomorrow, then i'll start to plant.


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot dude,

I'm looking for a seed that is:


Quick to grow



Not too big (less than a meter tall or so)

I will be using an indoor white painted box which is about a meter square, it will start on 18/6 then after a week or two, move onto 12/12, I will be using Miracle Gro as nutes and try to keep the PH between 6.3-6.9, I will be using CFL Lighting and hope to get a pound, obviously thats a bit wishful but as much as possible basically. What seed would suit me?


Active Member
I'm new to Rollitup. I'm new to growing as well. I just literally planted a few seeds a few days ago. I'm not going for perfection or anything close. I am just trying things out to see how they work. I've got time on my side. I have a location roughly 3 acres with some wooded area's I can visit every 3 days that I plan on growing some outdoor seeds to see how things will workout. I've just simply used seeds I picked out of my own bud. I've very little knowledge of the strain or anything of that nature. I'm literally jumping in feet first into all of marijuana growing and everything about it. I hope the community is able to help me. I've been reading and trying to put pieces together and learn as much effectively as I can. I hope the community is as warm as it seems. I'll look forward to becoming a regular member of the community. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Hows it going everyone. New to the forum here, and would appreciate any advice anyone has to offer about the subject in Ireland, esp in the North. Currently in Spain here, and the sun is doing a good job of saving me money on lamps. Have about 5 high quality passion growing, and about another 5 plants whos seeds i got from grass i bought. New to the growing lark, but things are going nicely so far. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thanks muchly


Active Member
Greetings All!! Newb here looking for advice on a setup..I have a edison halgen 150watt(2430 lumens), 48" ecolux plant and aquarium(wide specturm) 1900 lumens, and 48" eco lux sunshine(full specturm)2250 lumens both tube flor.)...and getting a uv-b rep. black light.its in a tight closet space where i'll only be growing a few plants?? any help would be app.


Well-Known Member
I'm really a newb myself but I know for a fact you cannot use black light for growing cannabis.


Active Member
Current studies suggest that pot creates trichomes as a means of defense against UV light. While you could never use it for growing, another approach to this would be to apply it to your plants in addition to the grow lights.

The results are amazing. After the plants are around a month old you can begin. Blast em with the UV for five minutes, twice a day. After a week make it three times. You want to gradually increase this until you reach thirty min three times a day. All the way through flowering. Any more time each day and you risk burning the plants. This will cause trichomes to develop ALL THE WAY ACCROSS EVERY LEAF. Can you say BUBBLE?

So....... Yes, you can use that UV light.