Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
You'll do just fine here stevieh, you'll learn who you can trust, who you can't and how to grow quality bud ;)

From stevieb to you, cheers!



Active Member
High from Brazil!

I've got three plants I started growing on the balcony just to find out they don't get any direct sunlight there. 2 are F10 Orient Express a friend made. Those survived out of 5 'cause the others failed to get decent roots. Apparently dude likes incest. The other one is a bagweed seed I got along with two more, that died as well. I'm using a soil mixture with worm droppings and all sorts of organic yumminesses, all that with coconut fiber and clay pellets at the bottom. Planted some beans and soy along, to boost up the micorrhiza. Got some tube fluoros (I know... But they came with the apartment I live in) adding up to 120W, put them as close as I could to the plants and they're now growing faster. Plants are about 2 1/2" tall (God, I hate imperial...) I know the cheap way is usually the wrong way, but I got divorced this year and will be strapped up for cash for at least a few more months. I put some municipal water to rest every now and again and water whenever they seem to be thirsty (which can take up to a week. Less now that the lights are really close). I'm thinking about getting a 400W HPS for flowering and setting up a mini Fuct SOG of sorts in the high part of my closet--its back has plenty of venting holes. Right now I'm still at a loss as to how I'll do the lighting and the separation between vegetation/cloning and flowering. I'll probably paint some cardboard white (also got a bucket of white paint with the apartment) and tape it shut.

Just wanted to thank all the community for everything. Been learning way too much.



New Member
If you haven't posted yet, this is a place to introduce yourself and let us know your here. Don't be shy, and if you have any questions, start a thread, and ask away, we'll do our best to help you out.
Hello and am glad to be here, I've got quite a few questions to ask to help myself out. I'll try to put them in the correct threads...thanks


New Member
Hi Everybody,
I've grown before a long time ago. And back in them days there was no LED and our lights were moving to utilize them on a bigger square meter footprint on lower costs. Of what I have seen so far, poeple today are using more static lamps. Is there a scientific reason, or have people just got more money?? Also does anybody know if LED technology can be setup as a moving lightsource with growing success??
Thanks a lot.


New Member
Hey everyone I'm new to this growing my own marijuana thing and I want it to be my new hobby. I was thinking of building a grow room (or grow box) in my spare bedroom. I have been doing research for a while on a good fully nute enough soil and I was recommended Fox farm potting soil. What do y'all think? Also and ideas on lights. LED maybe?


New Member
Whats up im Jarvis Stafford new to the forum maybe here for wrong reasons but fuck it you only live once wish i could access to the classified section im from alexandria,la residing in lafayette, la good business skills whats up cali. and washington and all the green states wit growers who want business im here!!!!


New Member


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I'm brand spanking new lol just wanted to let you all know I will have questions... plenty of questions! Been growing out side for a couple years but just started the tent thing....have had my first harvest about 3 weeks ago and I got 79 grams off one fruity chronic juice! I felt I did good lol... my next baby is chemdawg and its about 2 weeks in to flower and she's getting danky also! But thank u all for caring enoigh to read this lol ppeace, one love, mcl


New Member
hi newbie here could anyone help me ? just on week 4 veg its my first grow just spotted this like burn etc on leaf tip any1 have clue whats wrong IMG_1106.jpg


Well-Known Member
I would guess a N burn....but I have been too lucky so far and have not
had too many nute issues.

Someone posted a mnemonic that described how to tell what is causing
yellowing based on whether the yellowing starts from the bottom, middle,
or top of the plant.

Post your question to one of the more specific forums. Someone will nail it for you.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
I'm not really sure...I'm new my self but I was always told if it; doesn't worsen in three or so days then don't worry bout it...but it does look like a sort of defeciancy


New Member
I just joined today. Hello all. I am in my 6th week of one white widow. It sure is a pretty plant. Found two worm type creatures. They are now goo. I will check it every day for others. Someone said to spray it with soap water solution twice a day. Is that advisable? Plant is in a very large pot, outside. Planted in organic miracle grow moisture control soil. Do I still have to feed it?


Hey all .. I'm JayDawg .. or Ogonzo .. depending on how I'm feeling on that day.
I'm a long time smoker, and you may call me a pre-grower, I've been eagerly reading as much as I can, learning A LOT from the seasoned veterans here - and even from some who are not so seasoned -and I have to say that I'm excited to start!
I look forward to taking part and maybe even imparting some of my knowledge when it comes time!
Don't be shy .. say hi, pass the dutchie and let's have a good time!
As Mastah Rolla says ... "Happy Smoking!"