Welcome New Members!


Active Member
Hey, been reading the forums on Rollitup for a good while now, figure its about time to start talking back, haha.

Anyways, thank you all for making this community into the wonderful repository of knowledge that it has become. I have learned so damn much from so many of you, and I truly appreciate all of your insights.


Active Member
hi im w33jy from uk just about to start got everything ready to go ,had some advice on here by good person was very helpful cheers for that m8!, anyway no doubt i will be on regular asking for HELP!!! lol peace ppl !


Active Member
hey i am new here and i need to make a small growing room for like a cupbord or closet can anyone help tell me how i should set it up and like how big should i have it..i have plenty of seeds i just know knothing else on how to grow so i really need help...lol


Well-Known Member
hey i am new here and i need to make a small growing room for like a cupbord or closet can anyone help tell me how i should set it up and like how big should i have it..i have plenty of seeds i just know knothing else on how to grow so i really need help...lol
Check FAQ's and grow room forum,that should help. Good luck.:joint::joint:

The Boy

Well-Known Member
hey, joined RIU a couple days ago.
this place is really awesome and I've learned so much in the past couple days (my roommate's xbox360 broke so I'm super bored).
Thanks to RIU's staff and all the members!!!

oh, and that's not enough light for 4 plants, especially during the flowering stage.
(learned that here on riu!)


Active Member
I just started growing and i was wondering if i took mid grade seeds and grew them with the areo garden would that make the new plants stronger than the plants they where grown from


Active Member

Just growing from an aerogarden doesn't ensure that your new girls will be stronger/faster/higher yielding. There are so many things that you need to pay attention to in growing, and your first grow will probably run into quite a few problems.

IS this your first grow? If so I would recommend keeping it relatively simple. My first grow was a simple CFL/Soil Closet grow, but it allowed me to try out a lot of different things that I learned throughout.

Another problem that you may run into with the aerogarden is limited height? You need to consider a) how many plants do you want to grow, b) are you growing for personal use/sales/both, and c) how much space you can realistically dedicate to your grow op.

Personally, I would save your money until you figure out for sure what kind of op you want to run. There are a lot of wonderful and innovative spaces and techniques that can be built or experimented with on a more "DIY" type budget.

Just my two cents, best of luck with your grow!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm a new user, interested in growing indoors(in a simple way and only a few plants between 2 and 10), i have limited access to materials and all but i'll ask questions about all that later
But let me get this straight, Male plants are practically pointless as far as smoking goes, right? And Only females bud? But, you need males (and females) in order to get seeds right? I think i'm right, but just making sure to get the basics before i get started.
Please, and thanks.

Smokin' Hottie

Active Member
Hi guys, just wanted to stop in and say hi.

Okay, so I said it twice. I've been going through the FAQ and while informative, I have to say it's making me paranoid. Guess there's a lot I never thought about.


Well-Known Member
Hey so im new and i was wonderin how do you upload pictures?
If you mean to your gallery, you click on Marijuana Pics (in the middle of the bar that says Live Chat...Marijuana Pics...Stoners Arcade) then click upload pics and do your thing.

If you mean profile pics or avatars, go to My Rollitup on click on Edit Avatar, or Edit Profile Pic on the left hand side of the screen.


Active Member
on the verge of buying stealth bubbleponics, but the space im growing in(closet) has no ventilation. and i dont know how i can change the temp for growing. what are the temps i should keep the plants at . I want to use the sea of green technique. but im confused is the sog just bending the taller plants over.
can someone help with advice?


Well-Known Member
I'm a new user, interested in growing indoors(in a simple way and only a few plants between 2 and 10), i have limited access to materials and all but i'll ask questions about all that later
But let me get this straight, Male plants are practically pointless as far as smoking goes, right? And Only females bud? But, you need males (and females) in order to get seeds right? I think i'm right, but just making sure to get the basics before i get started.
Please, and thanks
Boy you don't miss a trick do you. YOu will find that most of us don't grow from seed after the first time, we make clones from our existing females. Wait a little while before trying to get that information.
GreenWitEnvyon the verge of buying stealth bubbleponics, but the space im growing in(closet) has no ventilation. and i dont know how i can change the temp for growing. what are the temps i should keep the plants at . I want to use the sea of green technique. but im confused is the sog just bending the taller plants over.
can someone help with advice?
In order to grow in a closet, with the door shut you will have to provide ventilation, possibly three ways.1) If you get an hid light you will need to air cool that, vent in and out. 2) you will need an oscillating fan to keep the air moving around your plants. 3) You will need a 'fresh air' system, again vented in and vented out.
For a SOG grow, you should have plants that are close to the same height. Normally in sog you trim off the bottom 1/3 of the plants.
Smokin' HottieHi guys, just wanted to stop in and say hi.

Okay, so I said it twice. I've been going through the FAQ and while informative, I have to say it's making me paranoid. Guess there's a lot I never thought about.
What is making you paranoid? We wouldn't want to lose a 'hottie'. VV


Well-Known Member
hey new members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have any questions? p.m. me

check out my grow journal (in my sig)


Well-Known Member
Yes, we try to make sure everyone is aware. Everyones situatuin can be a little different, generally the less people that know about your grow the less chance you would have of getting busted. We really would not want that. CHeck out our Divas and calender threads, Garden Knowm started both so they should be easy to find. VV