Welcome New Members!


Well-Known Member
yea im growin two plants tht are about 2 inches tall under a single florescent light. when should i changed to a bigger light? and what should tht light be?
You have a couple of weeks to decide, the light you have will be fine until then. The light you use will depend somewhat on the space you have and the investment you can make. Start a journal and share your plan. We will help you, it make take a little longer than an hour on a Saturday Night. VV:blsmoke:

blueberry kid

Well-Known Member
thnx man. What i do of a day is, i wake up and put my pot outside and let it sit until 6 and then i take it back inside and put it back under tha light. i guess its good for it because it gets the sunlight for half the day and artificial light the other half.


Well-Known Member
thnx man. What i do of a day is, i wake up and put my pot outside and let it sit until 6 and then i take it back inside and put it back under tha light. i guess its good for it because it gets the sunlight for half the day and artificial light the other half.

Thats fine BUT, be sure to watch for pests that can get on your plants when you put them outside. You would probably want to use a preventative program, and go with a light spray every three days depending on your area. VV:blsmoke:


Active Member
Hey guys, basically i have a few seeds and i'd pretty much love it if one of you could either tell me/link me to a website that will tell me three or four things;
  1. A list of what i will need to grow them inside, including lights, soil, what to grow them in (plantpots etc), and basically what i'll need to buy beforehand/during to get my lil' farm goin'.
  2. i already have a pretty good idea on how to germinate them, but i basically need to know how to set all my equipment up and then what to do once the seeds germinate.
  3. And finally, i'll need to know, well, anything i might have missed out :D, so that's basically any tips you guys have, or like, roughly the cost of growing them hydroponically or in soil, which is best etc.

Other than that, i'd just like to say heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyy, and i hope you get back to me sooooooon.


Well-Known Member
Well p0d the first thing to do is go to "GrowFAQ"at the top of the page. Most of your questions will be answered there. If you still have concerns about things don't be afraid to ask, somebody will know. Good luck and welcome to RIU!

blueberry kid

Well-Known Member
Well, today i went out looking for more light and i found a 100 wat hps bulb. and i was wondering if that can be used under the vegitative cycle?


Active Member
Hi Torchwood,
I'm an ex Para so I know all the bullshit you will be going through, just don't let the bastards get you down. Plenty of excellent reading on this site, take your time, and check all the GrowFAQ'S they will answer most of your questions, and the threads are a mine of info. If you really get stuck, post a thread and you will ge some great tips from others "who have gone further".
Have fun doin' it.


Well-Known Member
when do i need to start adding in more nitrogen?
Hey kid, hang on just a minute...........its Journal Time!!!! You have introduced your self and we will answer your specific questions. You have to give us the parameters of your question, ie I planted me .....2 weeks......and I am wondering when would be a good time to start adding nutes, whatever your situation is. We need to know what stage of development, system used, medium used and lights etc. to give good advice. All of this information belongs in your Journal and so do your questions. Why? Because that is were we will find the information to give you an informed opinion. Every time you have a question and you post it in your journal it will bring your journal in to todays posts or new posts and the folks that have subscribed to your thread will 'see' that there has been a post in your thread. And they will respond and sooooo.... the thread grows and you become :hump:famous :hump:for having the biggest journal in RIU history, it ain't gonna happen in Welcome new members.... VV:blsmoke:
SwannyHey everyone, nice site, everyone looks to be nice. Looks like I found a new hang out
Welcome Swanny, and that Canadian Chick with the J at the end. VV:blsmoke:
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Weed Demon

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, Just wanted to say hi. I am new to growing and am 5 weeks into my first grow.Here is a pic of one beauty. It all started with a dozen seeds I pulled and saved from a sack of stinky bud my wife and I picked up in Jamaica on our honeymoon. Two months ago I paid too much for a bag of dirt weed and said enough is enough. My buddy had a 1000w HPS he wasn't using and gave me the idea. I want to thank you all on the information and answers given to us newbies.

The current grow is in a shed in the back yard, and I am now planning to build a separate grow room in an unfinished basement room.



Active Member

I Got An US aerogarden but im using it with a stepdown transformer in the UK the transformer Works a treat but ive now blown my bulbs, So The Big question is what if i was to buy UK Version bulbs and put them into the US aerogarden then use my ps2 power cord to supply the right voltage for the bulbs i really dont want to blow any more builbs , or waste any more money so tell me if im wrong, Advice would be Very Welcome